It's really sad to see Mobygames going downhill for the past few years, especially after GameFly purchased the site, and this latest redesign fiasco do nothing but worsen the fate of Mobygames. I hope GameFly do not continue to disregard the MobyGames community because as Daniel Saner says on MobyGames forums, "without the community that they systematically and deliberately shun, their acquisition will lose all its relevance and value, which hurts everybody involved -- GameFly, active contributors, passive visitors". It's no wonder that Jim Leonard, the founder of Mobygames, agreed with Saner's words and said, "I completely agree, and I hope that the current owners of MobyGames realize this".
Jim Leonard also has recently posted an informative post on the forums on why he sold the website. He writes these words below after quoting one of the users, Yid Yang (Yid Yang was also an approver of the contributions until the redesign. He wrote many great reviews on Mobygames):
"Yid Yang: 'I have no less and no more rights than any other user here who has invested his time and effort into building this site. And I would have absolutely no problem with CP & Co. selling MG if the site benefited from the sale. What's the absolutely worst part about that sale is that they got their dough and now are smugly observing the site's ruination. Burn, MobyGames, burn, other people's work - we are washing our hands!'"
"Jim Leonard: 'Here's a hypothetical question for you: If you had worked on an idea/website/database/community for 11 years, and donated tens of thousands of hours and many tens of thousands of dollars towards it, but could no longer support it financially or mentally, what would your options be? I can think of a few:
1. Shut it down. 2. Sell to another company so it continues. 3. Donate it all into the wild and see what happens.
What would you do? Before you scream #3, consider Home of the Underdogs, which chose #3 and ended up dying a horrible death anyway (all mirrors are static, user community is gone, some don't offer downloads).
Could the communication about the sale been better handled? Of course. But three years after the sale, the site is still up and the content is still here and there is at least one person working on fixing the issues with the redesign. I can think of many other communities, game-related and otherwise, that have sputtered and died after a sale, or sputtered and died after being turned open-source. There have been much worse outcomes.
You are free to criticize all relevant parties, but speaking purely for myself only: Don't think for a second that I sold my share of MobyGames just so I could "get rich" and "wash my hands" of it. I did not "get rich", for one thing, and I do care about the site's outcome just as much as you do, maybe moreso since it was my baby.'"
Post edited September 18, 2013 by Accatone