F4LL0UT: Also I just took another look and I can't honestly say that there's a lot of ads on the new design. In fact I can see one (1!) caption that says advertisement and no ad is displayed for me there (and I'm not using an ad blocker or anything).
The problem currently is not ads themselves (yet), but the space that's reserved for them, which makes up an estimated 25% of the screen real estate. Even with no ads showing (yet), and just filling that space with irrelevant information or leaving it blank, that's a problem. Because the information from the previous, more efficient interface now doesn't fit the screen anymore. so you have to keep scrolling around. Even if you just want to use the navigation links.
Also, seriously, have you tried the "Game Browser"? Click, scroll, click, click, scroll, scroll .... even for entering a such a simple thing as a release year, you now have to scroll around, since they chose to hide the entries behind a collapsable field, which then expands to a long vertical list of entries which can't possibly fit on the screen. There's more than enough space if they had used several columns for the years, but they chose to give each year its own line, waste a lot of space in the right-hand part of the column, and on top of it use a huge font.
Whoever designed that needs a refresher course.