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I plan to play

Conan Hyborian Age
EVE Online
Guld Wars 1
Guild Wars 2
Planetside 2
RIFT Planes of Telara
Secret World
Tribes 2

at some point.

Have purchased

EVE Online: Bounty Hunter Starter
Guild Wars i (from Direct2Drive 2010)
Planetside 2 (Founders)
RIFT Infinity Edition
Secret World
Tribes 2 Starter (in 2012)

I'm just slow to start sometimes :o]
I play Planetside 2, it's free & pretty fun
I am not playing any MMO's now, but I have played quite a few in my life. Honestly, every new generation/iteration of MMO's have left me more any more wanting. I used to play MUDs through my Unix account back in the day. I like games that are hard to learn, take hours of time tinkering to min/max a character, and are unforgiving if you screw up. I really enjoyed games like Ultima Online, Everquest Classic (the first year or so anyway), and Dark Age of Camelot (I still think they had one of the best PvP models, bar none), but since then, as MMO's have been made more main-stream and casual-gamer centric, I have lost more and more interest in the genre.

Anyway, my MMO history is as follows (in roughly chronological order):
1) Ultima Online (very briefly and sparsely, I was on a friend's account)
2) EverQuest
3) Dark Age of Camelot
4) Neocron Beta (Fraggin' loved this game, but it flopped everywhere but Germany, I think)
5) JumpGate Beta
6) EVE Beta (fun, but my computer at the time couldn't handle it)
7) City of Heroes/Villains (I loved my regeneration scrapper sooo much)
8) Everquest 2 (Very briefly. I kept comparing it to the original, and it always came up short for me)
9) Tabula Rasa (for an MMO, I rarely ever grouped with anyone. It was odd)
10) Auto Assault
11) Star Wars: The Old Republic

I know I am missing one or two, but I think I got the major ones. The big one I never tried was WOW; I just couldn't stand the thought of more dwarves and/or elves at that point.

The most recent game I played, SWTOR, I had some fun with. However, the PvP on my server was entirely borked (thus killing the endgame for me, since raiding in that game can go suck eggs as far as I am concerned), and my main three characters were all nerfed at the same time. At the time, I was playing an assassin tank, a mercenary healer, and a sniper DPS, with the sniper as my main. In a single patch, they "balanced" the game such to make my merc overheat on basic heals (thus making her useless), they lowered the relative damage of my sniper (such that even tank classes were dishing out better dps), and lowered the damage mitigation on my assassin tank (who wants a main-tank who can't tank multiple foes if needed?). So, well, I canceled my account the day after that went live.

Just not sure MMOs are for me anymore.
Post edited June 05, 2013 by Krypsyn
Krypsyn: I am not playing any MMO's now, but I have played quite a few in my life. Honestly, every new generation/iteration of MMO's have left me more any more wanting. I used to play MUDs through my Unix account back in the day. I like games that are hard to learn, take hours of time tinkering to min/max a character, and are unforgiving if you screw up. I really enjoyed games like Ultima Online, Everquest Classic (the first year or so anyway), and Dark Age of Camelot (I still think they had one of the best PvP models, bar none), but since then, as MMO's have been made more main-stream and casual-gamer centric, I have lost more and more interest in the genre.

Anyway, my MMO history is as follows (in roughly chronological order):
1) Ultima Online (very briefly and sparsely, I was on a friend's account)
2) EverQuest
3) Dark Age of Camelot
4) Neocron Beta (Fraggin' loved this game, but it flopped everywhere but Germany, I think)
5) JumpGate Beta
6) EVE Beta (fun, but my computer at the time couldn't handle it)
7) City of Heroes/Villains (I loved my regeneration scrapper sooo much)
8) Everquest 2 (Very briefly. I kept comparing it to the original, and it always came up short for me)
9) Tabula Rasa (for an MMO, I rarely ever grouped with anyone. It was odd)
10) Auto Assault
11) Star Wars: The Old Republic

I know I am missing one or two, but I think I got the major ones. The big one I never tried was WOW; I just couldn't stand the thought of more dwarves and/or elves at that point.

The most recent game I played, SWTOR, I had some fun with. However, the PvP on my server was entirely borked (thus killing the endgame for me, since raiding in that game can go suck eggs as far as I am concerned), and my main three characters were all nerfed at the same time. At the time, I was playing an assassin tank, a mercenary healer, and a sniper DPS, with the sniper as my main. In a single patch, they "balanced" the game such to make my merc overheat on basic heals (thus making her useless), they lowered the relative damage of my sniper (such that even tank classes were dishing out better dps), and lowered the damage mitigation on my assassin tank (who wants a main-tank who can't tank multiple foes if needed?). So, well, I canceled my account the day after that went live.

Just not sure MMOs are for me anymore.
I'm aware of all of those, and your list from 1 to 4 is basically my history with MMO's. I played Ultima Online with the anticipation to play Everquest, which I didn't get to play until it was live for a year, then I only played for six months and only played an Erudite Wizard (I made even less progress in Ultima Online, but still enjoyed it). I did play quite a bit of Dark Age of Camelot, but I never got to max level, I was also in the Neocron beta and played it here and there over it's early years, but I never stuck with it. I never played jumpgate, but I was in the EVE beta as well, though I took many very long breaks. Last time I played it hardcore I was running multiple accounts and my own industrial corp, raking in the ISK and having a blast, but it was taking ALL my time to do so, so I had to stop. I also never played City of Heroes, never really got into Everquest 2 though I've peaked at it as it went free to play and have known many who were diehard EQ2 fanatics (as in most of my old work place), and I wish I had checked out Tabula Rasa before it was taken down. It looked like a great and unique game, but didn't get a chance to shine. My brother in law gave me auto assault for x-mas, but I never checked it out and it was taken down less than a year after, making the $50 purchase null and void. But I'm always on the lookout for a sci-fi mmo, which is why I checked out The Old Republic, despite it not being nearly what I hoped (still enjoyable, just not stellar).

A lot of my time was, alas, taken up by World of Warcraft. That's one big reason why I'm here on GOG as because of my late entry into computer gaming, coming from a console-only family untll my mid-teens, and jumping right onto MMO's within a year after getting our first PC and never really stopping, it goes without saying that I've never really checked out most of the games on this site. I tend to stick with a few games and try to master those. In my case it was MMO's...but any experienced MMO player knows that no MMO truly ends, thus it's a flawed goal :)

To illustrate this theory, here's a classic WoW comic I adore:

My time in MMO's now is a lot more minimal and I have a lot more self-control. I''m relishing being able to actually FINISH single player games, old or new, that I know I'll own years from now, that no one can't take offline or hack or anything that get's in the way of my ownership, or my fun.
Post edited June 05, 2013 by JinseiNGC224
I've never been much into MMO's, but I've been playing Neverwinter. Level 28 or so right now.

I enjoy the D&D mechanics, the foundry is a great tool, and I find the combat enjoyable. I also like that it's F2P and it doesn't beat you over the head with needing to purchase things, every part of the game is accessible for free. You just pay to get fancy things you don't actually need.
JinseiNGC224: I tend to stick with a few games and try to master those. In my case it was MMO's...but any experienced MMO player knows that no MMO truly ends, thus it's a flawed goal :)
I remember my fatehr asked this question about Everquest in 1999: "So, when to you win?" I still don't know the answer to that question in regards to any MMO. Your comic does illustrate the point very well, since it implies that getting the best stuff is only as good as the next expansion (or am I misreading it?).

JinseiNGC224: My time in MMO's now is a lot more minimal and I have a lot more self-control. I''m relishing being able to actually FINISH single player games, old or new, that I know I'll own years from now, that no one can't take offline or hack or anything that get's in the way of my ownership, or my fun.
I tend to agree. These days, I am more likely to get a good single player RPG, like Fallout: New Vegas or X3: Terran Conlict (I think they have a new expansion 'Albion Prelude' out, but I never payed it) and then just sink 400+ hours into it over several months rather than play an MMO. If they ever come out with a turn-based strategy MMO (how would that even work?), then I may actually have to capitulate again though. ;)
Hawk52: I've never been much into MMO's, but I've been playing Neverwinter. Level 28 or so right now.

I enjoy the D&D mechanics, the foundry is a great tool, and I find the combat enjoyable. I also like that it's F2P and it doesn't beat you over the head with needing to purchase things, every part of the game is accessible for free. You just pay to get fancy things you don't actually need.
In some ways I envy you. As much as I don't regret my time in MMO's, I feel as if I may have had better gaming experiences if I devote myself to games such as Neverwinter Nights more, or simply single-player games.
JinseiNGC224: I tend to stick with a few games and try to master those. In my case it was MMO's...but any experienced MMO player knows that no MMO truly ends, thus it's a flawed goal :)
Krypsyn: I remember my fatehr asked this question about Everquest in 1999: "So, when to you win?" I still don't know the answer to that question in regards to any MMO. Your comic does illustrate the point very well, since it implies that getting the best stuff is only as good as the next expansion (or am I misreading it?).

JinseiNGC224: My time in MMO's now is a lot more minimal and I have a lot more self-control. I''m relishing being able to actually FINISH single player games, old or new, that I know I'll own years from now, that no one can't take offline or hack or anything that get's in the way of my ownership, or my fun.
Krypsyn: I tend to agree. These days, I am more likely to get a good single player RPG, like Fallout: New Vegas or X3: Terran Conlict (I think they have a new expansion 'Albion Prelude' out, but I never payed it) and then just sink 400+ hours into it over several months rather than play an MMO. If they ever come out with a turn-based strategy MMO (how would that even work?), then I may actually have to capitulate again though. ;)
You read the comic correctly.

And to back myself up as a completely new gamer to the world of offline RPG's, I have sunk countless hours into pretty much every infinity engine game, and when they were NEW. They were also the first ones that really drew me to GOG as I wanted to relive the memories that made me so passionate about Project Eternity and Torment: Tides of Numenera. I pledged and followed those campaigns till the end on Kickstarter.

I've now since greatly expanded my GOG collection (hit 100 this past weekend sale :D) and can't wait to sink my time into good games that I know I can finish, which is of course constant and depending on schedule. A 30 year old has a lot more responsibilities than a teenager (in my case, at least).

I was also sorely dissapointed that Cryptic was bought by Perfect World Entertainment. Not because I despite PWE, they make decent games, but I was hoping to have Neverwinter as a new single player chapter in the series, if even new and improved. Another MMO to fans of those games is a slap to the face (speaking of those...I never finished those either, the originals >.>). Good thing I bought the D&D Dynamo Bundle in March ;D That right there is thousands of hours worth of gaming, hehe.
Post edited June 05, 2013 by JinseiNGC224
I've been meaning to try Guild Wars 2 but I don't feel like paying full price just to try the game, any upcoming non-weekend trials or is it too early?
The games I'm currently playing are DDO and lotro.

I also have The Secret World installed when I want some storytime. Been beta testing Dragons Prophet too, it's very sexy graphics-wise but I haven't spent much time with it.
I used to play WoW and I have been avoiding MMO since put now I'm waiting to play pathfinder online and hex shards of fate
Ive played to many MMOs to list since the first one in 1991 NeverWinter Nights on AOL (not the Bioware game, the original with SSI Gold Box engine)

They been definitely going down hill since basically WOW hit the scene

Im really hoping TESO returns us to DAoC time frame at least as so much of TESO is designed using DAoC mechanics and designs but in TES world.

Played Rift when it released and actually quite liked it for 2 months, but then I was out of content and bored. I may give it another go on 17th when they go full on F2P as the latest expansion tripled World size and added in DAoC style 3 faction RVR.

Recently left SW:TOR and will not be returning. That game is 100% P2W design now and I want nothing to do with that. Didn't mind paying a subscription but when they designed it so I'm better off cancelling sub and just paying $30-$40/month in cash shop things I left. Plus EA outright lied to players on numerous occasions to keep subs even for the short term. Rather then just fix the game correctly.

TOR should have been a monster hit for years.
Now its just Pay 2 Win garbage.
KotOR 1 and 2 still fell more like Star Wars then Tor ever did.

TESO is one Im putting all my hopes into
But like a different poster, Ive learned not to pre order
Post edited June 06, 2013 by Kalfear
EVE Online (considering resubscription if i can find a decent price)
The Secret World
Path of Exiles
Kalfear: Plus EQ outright lied to players on numerous occasions to keep subs even for the short term.
Now, I am not sure what you are referring to here, but I do have a story about this. I played a Dark Elf Shadowknight as my main from the day Everquest went live (March 16, 1999). They never admitted that evil races ( e.g. dark elf, trolls, ogres) and evil classes (e.g. necromancer, shadowknight) had an experience penalty, not just towards the player but for the entire GROUP, until years later. People would post definitive data, with and without said class/race in the group, but they still denied it up one side and down the other. Man... fun times... I loved the game, but I hated the people that ran it.
Post edited June 05, 2013 by Krypsyn
Anyone here ever play Meridian 59? I never played that, though I know it's open source now.

Any other open source MMO's you know of?

And as a matter of opinion...if any MMO goes down, it should go open source shortly thereafter if they developers/publishers really have no plans to keep the game up. It's not fair to let a game that creates thousands of hours of experiences to just vanish from cyber space all together, with only movies, pictures, needless walkthroughts and wiki's, as well as countless memories to keep it alive. No game should have that fate!
*raises hand* Guild Wars 2, I'm on the Dragonbrand Server