Posted December 11, 2013
high rated
Welcome one and all to mistermumble's exciting and dizzying hall of curation! Round 4! He likes a game you may like? Then get in line, friend. *you must be this tall to ride* If not then be on your way! The kiddie rides are over there.
This week's prize is a renowned name in the 4X genre. In fact, it's so renowned you may see double! That's right, boys and girls, it's Master of Orion 1+2! I fondly remember getting a copy of the first via a special edition of the now long defunct German gaming mag PC Player - loved that rag, by the way - with a few other interesting choices, but MoO was the one that thoroughly stuck. It was love at first play, I tell ya! Yes, it may look as old as the hills now, but as far as my enjoyment is concerned it's still as fun as when I was first playing the game some 18 years ago.
Then came the news about its sequel, and, boy, was I excited! Naturally, I bought it on release and fell in love with it, too. Now there was a worthy successor. Nowadays, if I do play one of them I tend to alternate according to my current mood. MoO 1 is still great for something a little more simpler and streamlined, while MoO 2 covers a more in-depth and very tactical gameplay.
*sigh* If only I was able to relive those initial joyous moments. It sure is a rarity for me to be enraptured by games like back then with the MoOs. In any case, they are more than worthy of my recommendation, and if you fancy yourself to be ruler of the galaxy you certainly wouldn't be left wanting with these.
This week's contest should be the easiest yet - hopefully anyway, since every time I think I'm doing something easy(er) I get the "It's too damn hard!" complaint ("That's what she said!" Hur, hur). I will give one hint and one hint only: Behold the night sky!
So riddle me this:
My brother is not my twin, I cannot breath under water nor do I have horns of any kind, my head does not feature a flowing mane, I do not sting nor do I seek balance, I shall not be sacrificed to an angry god, my marksmanship is poor to nonexistent, and I've never seen a doctor for aggressive in-hospital treatments.
What am I?
Once again, NO POSTING OF THE ANSWER IN THIS THREAD (or you shall be banned from this and any of my future giveaways). PM me your solution and I shall add you to the list of qualified entrants. will take it from there.
Get it? Got it? Good! Deadline for this contest will be on Sunday, Dec 15 at 10PM PST. Good luck everyone and have fun!
My constant requirements for entries are:
- You must have a rep of 10 or higher
- You must want the game for yourself. No entering on another's behalf or re-gifting of codes.
Welcome one and all to mistermumble's exciting and dizzying hall of curation! Round 4! He likes a game you may like? Then get in line, friend. *you must be this tall to ride* If not then be on your way! The kiddie rides are over there.
This week's prize is a renowned name in the 4X genre. In fact, it's so renowned you may see double! That's right, boys and girls, it's Master of Orion 1+2! I fondly remember getting a copy of the first via a special edition of the now long defunct German gaming mag PC Player - loved that rag, by the way - with a few other interesting choices, but MoO was the one that thoroughly stuck. It was love at first play, I tell ya! Yes, it may look as old as the hills now, but as far as my enjoyment is concerned it's still as fun as when I was first playing the game some 18 years ago.
Then came the news about its sequel, and, boy, was I excited! Naturally, I bought it on release and fell in love with it, too. Now there was a worthy successor. Nowadays, if I do play one of them I tend to alternate according to my current mood. MoO 1 is still great for something a little more simpler and streamlined, while MoO 2 covers a more in-depth and very tactical gameplay.
*sigh* If only I was able to relive those initial joyous moments. It sure is a rarity for me to be enraptured by games like back then with the MoOs. In any case, they are more than worthy of my recommendation, and if you fancy yourself to be ruler of the galaxy you certainly wouldn't be left wanting with these.
This week's contest should be the easiest yet - hopefully anyway, since every time I think I'm doing something easy(er) I get the "It's too damn hard!" complaint ("That's what she said!" Hur, hur). I will give one hint and one hint only: Behold the night sky!
So riddle me this:
My brother is not my twin, I cannot breath under water nor do I have horns of any kind, my head does not feature a flowing mane, I do not sting nor do I seek balance, I shall not be sacrificed to an angry god, my marksmanship is poor to nonexistent, and I've never seen a doctor for aggressive in-hospital treatments.
What am I?
Get it? Got it? Good! Deadline for this contest will be on Sunday, Dec 15 at 10PM PST. Good luck everyone and have fun!
My constant requirements for entries are:
- You must have a rep of 10 or higher
- You must want the game for yourself. No entering on another's behalf or re-gifting of codes.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by mistermumbles