Supereor: What is there to complain about? Is she going to stab everyone else in the team and personally take control of the game and turn it into something terrible? I do admit, that example artwork was... less than satisfactory, and that name is all new levels of silly(BECK? CALL!?!?! GETTIT, CUZ BECK AND CALL!?!?) but otherwise I see no problems whatsoever with her being on the team. This is literally on the same level as people complaining about that BioWare writer...
The game is still going to be developed as Inafune wants it, even if she got in by nepotism, who actually cares? What changes can she make that is really that dramatic? The only issue I could possibly think of is that Beck is already a dang robot, and last time I checked, robots are genderless. Anybody who backed the game is still going to get the exact same spiritual successor to Mega Man that they paid for.
Stop treating her like she's the next Anita Sarkeesian, even if she did post a few tweets regarding some other sexualization-related issues, getting kicked out of your job because of your personal opinion and a few unjustifiably annoyed people on the internet is a really crappy thing to be done to, regardless of who you are or your personal stance on things.
Who cares? Probably the backers and MegaMan fans who have been waiting for ages for a new MegaMan game. Even I'm not that big of a MegaMan fan (I find MM2 to be fun though) but even I know the fans have been kicked around for a while, with Capcom treating the series like Microsoft treats Banjo-Kazooie and been cancelling games for no reason at all. All the fans want is a decent, fun and enjoyable MegaMan game and they want it to succeed. Having someone who's first impression is of lying and having strong political opinions.
Let me make it clear before I'm accused of hating woman or not allowing free speech: I don't. In fact, I enjoy the fact that woman are taking an interest in gaming and succeeding at it and I have no problem what political views or any other views and beliefs one has. But there's a fine line between having a political opinion and having that opinion influence a game that people have spent their hard earned money on backing it and now someone who originally stated she never played a MegaMan game and has no known design or art qualifications that got in because "My friends and bf are working on it" is a reasonable and logical reason to be asking questions and getting upset.
This topic is hard to cover because maybe she does have a degree in game design or something and maybe I'm missing something. I'm not right and others aren't wrong. But it looks to me like shoddy decision making.