DieRuhe: How's the gameplay? From just looking at it, it makes me think of a cross between Might and Magic and Legend of Grimrock. Any major bugs or anything? I really want to get it, but these days I tend to wait until games have been out a while 'cause it seems too many games have a lot of things wrong with them when released.
I've finished the game, and only encountered one serious bug: I quicksaved, the game froze, crashed, and all my savefiles were corrupt. Thankfully I only needed to delete my quicksave to be able to play again. And it only happened once.
Also I've heared that you should not use non-English characters in the names of your savefiles, because it can't bear them. If you play the game localized, you must manually delete all non-english characters from the name of the savefiles. I can't confirm this tho, because I've played it in English.
JAGDTIGER: Ok i get it. So i'll continue Act 2 & catch the rooms later on. The ruins i will get to them later as i tried to battle the wraiths & seems it's not enough being Lvl 10 & was decimated & i need to explore the ruins cause one of my characters is a human crusader which will turn to paladin after i finish them. Thanks Mady & everyone :D
Np, and keep your eyes open for disc pieces, your paladin will need them ;)
Wow, I've read your post again, and I've just noticed you've said 2nd floor... my bad than. I've opened the game to check this, because my memory has failed me with this one^^''
The Lost City room is on the 1st floor.
The doors on the 2nd floor: I remember now: I too was having problems opening these ones. If I remeber right, I had a key in my possession that did not open any of the locked doors, then I came back later, and now one of the doors opened (with the very same key, I must add...). There was a boss in there, and I think he dropped the key that opened the other door.
Btw, don't worry. That boss kicked my late-act 2 character's butt, you definetly don't want to fight him yet =/