Most of the video seems to obsess over people going insane with Facebook etc. A company whose founder wants every internet user tracked Big Brother style through a single registered identity rather then what has been status quo.
That says enough in of itself for me.
hedwards: OpenGL is a much older standard
OpenGL 4.1, aka current, is a year newer then DirectX 11. There's been a lag in implementation due to patent trolling issues, but that doesn't makes it a "older standard."
There's room for criticisms regarding it's approach and the Microsoft approach, but not continuing development isn't one of them.
hedwards: and if you choose to go with DirectX you're basically stuck on Windows without a major porting effort.
XBox which might as well be just written as DirectXBox, as that is what the name is taken from, and pressure of publishers on devs for multiplatform are not some minor thing you can ignore here.
I could note I saw an article with the opposite bias from Tom's Hardware here where Developers were raging against being forced by the Publishers to constrain themselves to DirectX versus getting more direct access to the hardware and how they felt it was limiting them and making things look the same. Ergo they wanted the API to get out of their way with prepared feature packages and get into the guts of thing, which is more OpenXL's (to steal the convention) territory then DirectX's, if accurate.
This is all the more polarized by the Tom's Hardware article's obsession with prepared feature packages to the point actual API related functionality may as well not exist in their worldview.
KavazovAngel: You guys really need to cut the crap with this "allowed" stuff. Windows is their product, they can put whatever they want on it. ;)
The EU among numerous other governmental bodies disagree with you, as does the fact Microsoft is not allowed to lock out the OpenGL, OpenAL, or OpenCL APIs.
KavazovAngel: Also, be a man! And use DirectX for Windows, and OpenGL for Mac, like what Blizzard does. :p
The unholy union of what has become of Atari and Davidson's children is nothing to look up to.
KavazovAngel: It will be best if Microsoft becomes a big player in selling games.
What's with the "if"? You've never heard of Halo or the XBox?
They bought Bungie a long time ago and the only reason Bungie didn't suffer the fate of the rest is the FASA guys literally stepped up and saved their undeserving hides. Else it would have been just like what happened to Mechwarrior 4, Fury^3, Flight Simulator, etc. Even then it doesn't sound like the FASA guys really succeeded in saving Bungie the end so much as slowing down the process.
What cave have you been living in that you think Microsoft isn't a big player?