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Us military says metal gear sock puppets are real

U.S. military says Metal Gear sock puppets are real
Posted March 18, 2011 - 08:54 by Trent Nouveau

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) has confirmed it is coding advanced software designed to infiltrate social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

The existence of Metal Gear was first revealed by the cyber activist group known as Anonymous, which managed to obtain critical data about the project from leaked HBGary documents.

"We believe Metal Gear involves an army of fake cyber personalities immersed in social networking websites for the purposes of manipulating the mass population via influence," the group explained in a press release circulated Wednesday evening.

"It is sophisticated enough to develop a 'profile' for each puppet to add a level of 'realism' to each. In short, there would be no feasible way to distinguish between 100 people commenting on a subject, and 100 of these puppets doing the same."

Unsurprisingly, CENTCOM spokesperson Commander Bill Speaks offered a more sterile description of Metal Gear, telling The Guardian: "The technology supports classified blogging activities on foreign-language websites to enable [the military] to counter violent extremist and enemy propaganda outside the US."

As expected, Speaks insisted Metal Gear will be unleashed against individuals who speak Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Pashto outside the United States - as it is currently "unlawful" to address U.S. audiences with such technology.

So, what will Metal Gear actually be capable of?

Well, a CENTCOM contract terms the software an "online persona management service" that allows a single soldier to control up to 10 separate identities. Each fake online persona is programmed with a convincing background story, complete with history and supporting details.

Once activated, the software will allow U.S. service personnel based in MacDill Air Force based to counter "hostile" online activity with counter-propaganda posts on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and chatrooms.

Metal Gear will likely exploit virtual private servers (ostensibly) based outside the US, along with the practice of "traffic mixing" to offer "excellent cover and powerful deniability."

Metal Gear is currently being developed by the U.S. military and the Los Angeles-based Ntrepid in exchange for a cool $2.76 million.


Online astroturfing gets sophisticated

Online astroturfing gets sophisticated

By John Herrman | February 23, 2011, 8:00 PM PST

When security consulting firm HBGary was brought to its knees by the crusading group of online activists known as Anonymous, it confirmed many peoples’ worst suspicions about how corporations manage their reputations online. Among the leaked documents were plans to “disrupt” the work of journalists supportive of Wikileaks (theoretically to support of Bank of America, the alleged target of a forthcoming leak), to create false documents for its clients to mislead the press, and to create malware designed to impact the operations of Julian Assange’s whistle-blowing organization.

Buried among these outwardly distasteful revelations was an email discussion of something called “persona management” software. A diarist at the Daily Kos has identified the most alarming passages:

Persona management entails not just the deconfliction of persona artifacts such as names, email addresses, landing pages, and associated content. It also requires providing the human actors technology that takes the decision process out of the loop when using a specific persona.

To accomplish this, the company says it can create custom thumb drives or virtual machines that provide and keep updated virtual personas. A single human actor could possess numerous in-depth false online identities, each with a complete and deep web of convincing online connections and activities, and use them to disrupt discussions online.

For a corporation to send PR people to masquerade as legitimate online commenters is nothing new, and I suspect that most readers understand and consider the possibility that comments–be they under a product review or a weighty news story–might have been posted by someone with an explicit agenda. What makes this particularly worrying, though, is the level of sophistication HBGary was striving for. From another email:

Using the assigned social media accounts we can automate the posting of content that is relevant to the persona…In fact using hashtags and gaming some location based check-in services we can make it appear as if a persona was actually at a conference and introduce himself/herself to key individuals as part of the exercise, as one example.

What they’re offering, it seems, is a ready-built, automated astroturfing machine. A client could conceivably ask HBGary to supply a small army of “commenters,” who could make their message known in nearly any available forum online–not as automated representatives of said client, but under the guise of organic, free-willed, human supporters.

This alone point to a future in which anyone with money to burn could use it to pollute interactions online, manipulate public opinion, crowd dissenters and undermine the core premises of reader participation online. But, again, while this is an unfortunate development, it’s not a terribly unexpected one.

But Author George Monbiot joins the Kos diarist in highlighting a similar proposal from a distinctly different source:

[The software] will allow 10 personas per user, replete with background , history, supporting details, and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographacilly consistent. Individual applications will enable an operator to exercise a number of different online persons from the same workstation and without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries. Personas must be able to appear to originate in nearly any part of the world and can interact through conventional online services and social media platforms. The service includes a user friendly application environment to maximize the user’s situational awareness by displaying real-time local information.

This isn’t actually a proposal. It’d be more accurate to call it a solicitation. A US Air Force solicitation, posted in mid-2010 on the Federal Budget Office’s website, to be exact.

Granted, it’s conceivable, or even probable, that the government has legitimate uses for such software, especially with wide use of social networks and online communication by terrorist groups. (Likewise, most accept the existence of outward-projecting propaganda efforts by the CIA; it follows that these efforts would extend online.) A more cynical, or perhaps realistic, view of the solicitation prompts worries about the government using such solutions for domestic image management, much like what HB Gary promised its potential clients.

No matter how private companies and public entities choose to use automated astroturfing software, one thing is clear: they almost certainly will. Whether or how this will change the nature of online debate and communication remains to be seen, but at the very least, the issue demands readers’ awareness.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012
-Puts tinfoil hat on-

I'm ready!
So... The US spent 2 million dollars to troll people on facebook?
WBGhiro: So... The US spent 2 million dollars to troll people on facebook?
Not just on facebook on every forum imaginable EVEN THIS ONE!
Anyone Else want to Comment!

all comments appreciated
Post edited February 03, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012
This is silly, there is no way they are going to infiltrate social media with fake...
with fake...with fake...with fake...674567 ERROR...REPEAT....SYNTAX 34&HJUY?M TYPE X ERROR...REPEAT...

I'm afraid I can't do that Dave.

What are you doing Dave?

Would you like to hear my song?

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer doooo............
fr33kSh0w2012: Anyone Else want to Comment!

all comments appreciated
You, sir, are fucked in the head.
fr33kSh0w2012: Anyone Else want to Comment!

all comments appreciated
DAlancole: You, sir, are fucked in the head.
You, sir, Forgot your Tablets this morning

Why don't you have them with a nice hot cup of TWIST YOUR DICK UP YOUR ARSE, MOTHERFUCKER!!
tinyE: This is silly, there is no way they are going to infiltrate social media with fake...
with fake...with fake...with fake...674567 ERROR...REPEAT....SYNTAX 34&HJUY?M TYPE X ERROR...REPEAT...

I'm afraid I can't do that Dave.

What are you doing Dave?

Would you like to hear my song?

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer doooo............
Agh hahahahahahaha That was funny!
Post edited February 03, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012
shit, they are on to me...

... I mean, carry on. Nothing to see here. There is a nice thread about Deus Ex in that corner over there, look.

*whistles, while searching for delete button*
agh hahahahahahahaha your funny or are you serious?
Tweak! a.k.a BUMP
Metal Gear, huh?
twixt! AKA BUMP