Voight-Kampff: I had a look at lulzexposed and noticed that one of those guys is swedish.
Gersen: Well the one million bucks question is: is this really members of lulzsec, or just some guy spouting randoms names or taking revenge one peoples he/she don't like.
The is the Internet, anybody can create blog and accuse anybody else of being a member of lulzsec, anonymous or any other group. (I wouldn't even be surprise if this blog was another of lulzsec "joke".)
That was my thought, considering that one of the accused is a journalist, and the individuals that have been outed are pretty weak technically, it wouldn't surprise me if this wasn't a case of genuinely hitting wannabes rather than somebody that's actually in a position to run things.
I suppose that could be staged, but it seems a bit suspicious that these people are that technically inept and that exposed in various social networking sites.
ne_zavarj: I think CIA and FBI are already tracking these guys .
You can count on that. Nobody's going to hit the CIA up and not end up being tracked by intelligence.