ReynardFox: The success of this just goes to show how out of touch Capcom are. They really have no idea what the hell they are doing.
I don't know what the fuck Crapcom's executives are thinking. They're killing every single franchise they have with shitty games, DLCs and rereleasing the same game over and over again (yes, i'm looking at you, SF4). Why the hell have they forgotten about their most beloved character, Mega Man?
Remember how good Resident Evil used to be? Haha, here's this mediocre action game that's basically a clone of Gears of War (RE6). Remember how awesome Lost Planet was? Here's Lost Planet 2 for you. You want some more? Here's another shitty sequel: Lost Planet 3. I heard you like Mega Man. Well, too bad, we're cancelling Mega Man Legends 3 and every other Mega Man related project. But don't worry, we've got this Super Steet Fighter 4 Ultra Motherfucking 2020 Edition with Lasers from Hell which is basically the same game we've been milking for years to fool our fans. Awesome, uh?
Dragon's Dogma is probably the only decent game published by Crapcom in the past few years. For me Crapcom is the worst publisher around, even worse than Activision and EA.