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Crassmaster: Well, of course devs are going to make marketable games...marketable games SELL. You guys seem to forget sometimes that people's jobs are on the line here. Release a dud and your studio goes under? You're unemployed.
Want to see more diversity from game companies? Get buyers to take chances are purchasing something other than the same old, same old all the time. Nobody is going to take a chance if that chance won't be purchased and will put them out of a job.

Crassmaster, when I can, I support some devs purchasing their games. I like to see some devs pushing forward and not staying in the same game forever. But I won't buy a product that doesn't have a level of quality or consolitis to no end, or always the same game like sports games etc. That's all I'm complaining, every year is coming more of the same, always on the safe bet and just a little bit of innovation. And now all fps games going MW.
Look at Crysis, how many of you bought it? You liked that they pushed so hard on the tech part? The tech is ok, but the game part seems affected by what publishers tell them *this will sell, this will not*. It's funny to see some cases, look at the scope, range of the story of Mass Effect 1 compared to ME2. Assassin's Creed to AC2.
kramhag: Thanks for explaining...that is quite a lot of dedication, thank you.
akwater: No worries, it is one of those things. Hell most...1000USD can buy you a house in India....

akwater, Thanks for you time writing it all. Like kramhag, I have nothing against the people on the ground, because if necessary I would defend my country too.
What do you think about the Obama's recent withdrawal proposal, and all of that? And the more troops from NATO coming in?
akwater: I think I need a new dictionary
Agreed, hehe. Hey Akwater, provide a US mil. dictionary for us. :)
Ok it is early but and I havent had my coffee so my spelling may be off....
SF= Special Forces (dick heads who buy Monster Energy Drinks by the pallet load leaving the shitty Orignal Coffee ones for everyone else, they also are not subject to nearly half the rules and regulations that the rest of us are supposed to follow)
Terp= Interpeter (Sometimes Iraqi, sometimes Afgani, they know the lay of the land, the people, and if you need vodka, real beer, or anything they will have the hook up, the american terps make 200k+ a year while the locals make about 60k)
FOBs = Forward Operating Bases sometimes refered to as COBs=Contingency operating bases, COSs which are the small middle of nowhere little outposts where like anywhere from 25 to 100 personal are. Contingency Operating stations are the shitty place to be, you get to shit in a bag, sleep in a tent, no internet, just shitty living there normally.
BDU= Battle Dress Uniform standard uniform for Army personal
Digi = Digital Cammoflagued BDU
CAC= Common Access Card
MWR= Moral Warfare and Recreation (the places where concerts are held, internet, phone rooms, video game systems, library, where we work out)
um.................... Now I gotta get some coffee....
kramhag: Don't get me wrong, I do not resent my country, I love its principles. I would fight for it in a situation of domestic defense; like if the racist neo-Confederates in the south got their wish for another civil war. Not to be used as a political tool in Iraq exploited by private military contractors making billions off of US soldier's and innocents deaths. I think it's wrong to portray any military in the way games like COD4 do with marines, no less one with a track record as spotty as the US.

You also fail to see the fact is without contractors over here how many more Soliders would be here? For every Fighting solider here there is 3-10more SOLIDERS behind that person providing logistical, communication, medical support.
How many Contract personal are here... Well it takes about One thousand Personal cooking day in and day out who are not military to make sure that three thousand soliders have hot meals. There are 800 people here working laundry with a 72 hour turn around for that same three thousand troops. There is 25 people here providing water treatment for that same amount of troops. Another 25 people for waste water treatment.
For every 10 soliders there is 100 contracted personal to ensure they while not on mission have everything from Power, water, internet, phones, smokes, fuel, and anything else you can think of.
Deaths of contractors are unreported (unless they go off the base and get drunk, and get their head chopped off in the process)
I am a civillian, I work for the Department of Defense, if you want to call it a company thats fine, but for us to provide the same services that all those companies provide it would cost 200 to 300 times more money. I am a GS15 and my one position used to be held by 37 soliders, Yes thats Thirty Seven soliders. I have a staff of me. I report directly to the base commander daily.
37 soliders from e1 (private) to e7's (first sarg) each making about 3k a month for an e1, the e7's were earning more obviously. But even if I replaced 37 e1's at 3k a month that would be about 111 thousand dollars a month. Now I wish I could say I earned that, but I don't. Sure I make six figures a year and yet the military could put those same 37 soliders back on the ground and spend what I make in a year in ONE MONTH.
Granted some contractors make 400 Dollars a month ie the people cooking the soliders food, but should we instead have 1000 soliders making at least 3k per month...... 1000 people making 400 (subcontract workers) vs 1000(soliders) people making 3k...
If I need a job done and I need to hire someone to do XYZ, and different companies bid on it, I choose who I want based on price preformance time frames and other data. Say the winning bid is 2mill, the company hires workers who will work for 1 dollar a day, and spends 1mill on labor/supplies. The company made 1 mil profit, and yet their workers may have only made a a couple hundred bucks per person, is that wrong?
Not to be used as a political tool in Iraq exploited by private military contractors making billions off of US soldier's and innocents deaths
I know some military contractors here, and NONE of them make Billions. Their company might make billions but each person working for that company does not make a billion.
Think of it this way, McDonald's posts $1.1 billion in profit on European sales does that mean each person working at McDonalds in Europe makes a billion dollars Or that their COMPANY made a billion?
Blackwater may have made more then a trillion bucks scince Iraq started but each one of their personall doesnt make that much.
There are about 100,000 government contractors operating in Iraq, not counting subcontractors, which I can not even find estimates on. Yet there is 150,000 Soliders here, So lets get rid of all the contractors reinstate the draft so we can fill those voids.
No solider here has peeled a potato or worked KP (cleaning cooking etc in the dining area).
Lets not forget that the 100,000+ contractors in Iraq could be Johnny down the block or even you.
Like it or not Contract personal are vital, the military DOES NOT have the people to do everything we do. The only way the Military could get those numbers would be to reinstate the draft, which would kill moral, and cause more harm to our soliders who take their job seriously.
There are soliders here who have done three or four tours of combat duty, soliders have been stop lossed, and if you want to not use civilian personal those same soliders would have never left. Iraq Started in 2003, if I have done 4 tours each lasting 15 months in Iraq that would mean out of 72 months I would have been here for 60 of those months.
Sorry this is one issue I am heated about.

Awesome, since I am heated about this too! So, basically you're annoyed that he calls what you do in Iraq for what it is, which is, exploiting the spoils of war? :D Modify it the way you want, but what you and all those thousands of civilians and private companies are doing there is proftiting from good ole nation building, in all its ugly glory. I think the USA, by that meaning Haliburton, big oil companies related to the previous administration namely Mr. Cheney, private "security consultants", nice word for mercenaries, and such, should GTFO of Iraq, and dont let the door get them on their ass on their way out.
drmlessgames: I think the USA (...) should GTFO of Iraq, and dont let the door get them on their ass on their way out.

Sure, they could do that. News on TV would become so much more entertaining, as we'd be able to watch the Iraqi society spiral out of control and a Taliban-like fundamentalist regime take power. Bring out the popcorn.
I'm not saying that the invasion was the best idea to begin with, but now that they're already there it would be pretty irresponsible to just leave before the society is stable enough to manage on its own.
Yep lets get the fuck out, that way just like we got the FUCK out of Afghanistan in the early 80's we can let a sect come to power.... Al La The Taliban! hurrah!
Last time I checked Haliburton is NOT IN IRAQ, Haliburton sold off KBR which for the most part is the primary contractor IN IRAQ.
OH and FYI I work for the department of Defense Yes I am a contractor technically however I wear BDU's. Under the Geneva Convention I am designated as a NON Combatant.
Sure the mercenaries should get the fuck out,I agree it is a solider who should be doing the missions just like the guys who caused ABU GRAB, CEDER, etc etc etc.
DO I EXPLOIT the spoils of war? Hell no, does a Private in the army exploit the war? Hell no, I WORK TO REBUILD this country, obviously you have never been to war, nor have any idea of the things that happen here. Call it what you want My company, the department of defense likes me being here as I am good at what I do.
I like Obama's proposal, however that is really just lip service, the gear up will happen, and as DynCorp/flour has taken over running a lot of bases in Afghanistan recently they will loose their contract. 30k new troops, great idea, problem is where are they goingto eat. Yep A LOT of bases in Iraq will be closing but not all of them, they closed c1 spiecher and within a week they reopened it due to militants blowing up schools.
Yep I should stop teaching Iraqi's, I should stop building, all because some guy from Peru a country whos previous leaders have been CONVICTED
So.....whats up with your boy Fujimori? He commit anymore crimes against humanity ? Oh shit yeah that's right man, YOUR leader was convicted of Human Rights Violations, 25 years in prison, damn for murdering people, kidnapping, bodily harm? Oh yeah and to top that off 15 million to his spy chief?
Yeah while I hate Cheney at least I was not pointing out some other jackasses faults with my own leaders being total douche bags
I agree the invasion of Iraq was dumb, however if we left today, man..... your right get the popcorn out. Hell we still have bases in Germany Korea Japan France England Vietnam Italy hmm....ww2 happened how long ago and yet we still have yet to leave..... odd huh.....
Oh and while you wanna talk about Haliburton, who has no stake in Iraq anymore lets talk about that oil scandal you guys had just last year?
Didnt your Government also suspend Civil liberties this year? something about Oil? Military called in to stop protests? Curfews?
What is the saying people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones?
Yeah the US/UK has fucked up that isnt the issue here, the issue is if you think you know so much about what goes on over here perhaps you should do something about it. WE ALL know it.....
Yes SOME contractors are bad, just like some presidents are bad or rather make poor decisions, but at least I AM WORKING on being PART of a SOLUTION and not just repeating some statement over and over again thinking *im so special ill say GTFO and magically they will!!!*
So unless you have a VALID solution your just adding to the noise. Oh and a solution is the act of solving a problem.
Now back to the thing about the withdrawal, again it is fantastic he said it, but really HOW are we going to get there? That has not been addressed.
Right now my main focus is getting 300 locals trained so they can take over city services, teaching 42 Iraqi's atm Chemistry, Biology, Hydrology, Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, basics of electricity, Lab procedure, protocols, environmental engineering, and when we have time, American culture. Or I could leave, and let them fend for themselves, I mean they would totally be able to handle learning this stuff on their own....
Hell it isnt like Peru where they have no "war" going on, and yet they have 20% of their URBAN water sources without disinfection. Cryptosporidum anyone? E coli? Oh, and their waste isnt treated either, which means day at the beach SWEET Fecal Coliform for everyone!! (oh and by Fecal, yep that means POO!!!)
I personally think once they learn how to provide power/water and other basic services to their people we can get closer to leaving. I know when I have no power, and cant take a shower I'm pissy.
Lol sorry I took a few jabs that were above and beyond. I think I should have left Peru's el presidante out of it, and their great water...... but seriously Drmless, or anyone for that matter, yes the companies have done wrong, but the fact is we are where we are, and saying get out, fuck off or anything is not going to change the fact this is the new way things are done, war evolves, deal with it.
To everyone else, sorry this got so off topic, I am beyond tired, and sadly I have to go out and repair a water treatment plant as soon as my students get here as guys who also want ME to get the fuck out keep causing me more work. It's odd, if only they would stop the violence for a few months we could pull troops out close more bases, and then they could have their run of the country. Odd how that works, cant leave cause they keep blowing shit up yet they want us to leave........ Strange, they hate but they do not understand.
Akwater you make a good point about Peru, the US gets stereotyped all the time for civil rights violations but what country in this day and age is clean in that regard? It's depressing as hell, even Switzerland is restricting freedom of religion now, is there any decent place to live anymore? Canada's no good with Harper.
taczillabr : Christ...after multiple attempts to get the broken quoting system on here to work, I'll just write a new message. :)
I agree completely with your stance on being choosy in terms of game quality. All I'm saying is that you can't really blame devs for being gun shy with innovation when, for the most part, innovation doesn't really sell all that well.
As for Crysis, their biggest issue was that by pushing for cutting edge tech requirements in the game on release, they slashed their potential customer base down to a fraction of computer owners before it was even on the shelves.
Crassmaster: taczillabr : Christ...after multiple attempts to get the broken quoting system on here to work, I'll just write a new message. :)
I agree completely with your stance on being choosy in terms of game quality. All I'm saying is that you can't really blame devs for being gun shy with innovation when, for the most part, innovation doesn't really sell all that well.
As for Crysis, their biggest issue was that by pushing for cutting edge tech requirements in the game on release, they slashed their potential customer base down to a fraction of computer owners before it was even on the shelves.

Well, just wondering though how many people now have the game now.
I know I had built a desktop that would play that game on day one, a lot of people were pissed. Even however as people might be mad there are few games out there that push the envelope in regards to tech, personally I wish more would come out. It would lead ATI/Ninvidea to get better and better cards out there which would drop prices of older cards.
***** OH I forgot about the nato thing last night, But yeah that is a step in the right direction.
Anyone see the Chappel show, that episode of Black Bush where he is telling the UN to sanction him?
Yeah, innovation alone doesn't sell; it is a niche part of gaming, like GOG itself. But without innovation years after years, we would still be playing Super Mario. What annoys me, is that we have tied pc development because of the console generation, pc titles that could be better, are dumbed down because of the console counterparts. And it's tied for years, we are still in the middle of this generation.
Crysis could be a much more solid game, if it was released one year later, better GPUs and more time for polishing the game and MP. I wonder what was the EA take on this case.
I wonder too, how many people got Crysis by now? With the recent D2D and Steam sale; and that generous Crysis Maximum Edition, just get this one at a retail sale.
Just imagine a war game, simulator, with this quality:
kramhag: It's depressing as hell, even Switzerland is restricting freedom of religion now, is there any decent place to live anymore? Canada's no good with Harper.

True. It's sad when you think about it, every nation has their own problems nowadays.
Post edited December 08, 2009 by taczillabr
Grr wtf, my isp wont let me on YouTube, Forbidden, and the play station network wont load either. Perhaps this weather is just ashjasdkjh shit up,
Yep, it does suck that they are tied together. I'd be just fine however with more games that actually had some soul behind them and felt complete. Every now and again I find some gems but, more often then not I find myself loading up a game that is 10+ years old over the latest and greatest.
akwater: Every now and again I find some gems but, more often then not I find myself loading up a game that is 10+ years old over the latest and greatest.

That's happening a lot for me too, and it's the reason why I'm on GOG too, waiting for more gems here, soon. ;)
A lot of newer games coming out, without an identity tied to the game. You play it, and three months after you don't remember it anymore.
It's just screenshots of crysis, that video.
Post edited December 08, 2009 by taczillabr
I agree with you, tac. The thing is, I can't blame a developer for developing for consoles when that's where more and more gaming dollars are being spent.
And while I love it when dual development goes on, or the port from console to PC is actually done very well and maximizes what works well on PC (Both GRAW titles, Batman, etc.), that just adds expense to what are already RIDICULOUSLY bloated development budgets.
Crassmaster: I agree with you, tac. The thing is, I can't blame a developer for developing for consoles when that's where more and more gaming dollars are being spent.
And while I love it when dual development goes on, or the port from console to PC is actually done very well and maximizes what works well on PC (Both GRAW titles, Batman, etc.), that just adds expense to what are already RIDICULOUSLY bloated development budgets.

Call tacz. Agreed, I wouldn't blame the devs alone, they are working and going with the flow, that's it.
You're right that how bloated it is, regarding money and software. Just look at the number of softwares involved in the production of one Unreal Engine 3 game, like Batman. But it is getting better, now the consoles are a more stable thing, lasting more in the market, so they're creating long-term tools for consoles, just look at id software, crytek. And bethesda with their bloated tools, maybe they'll get id software engines.
This weekend we will have a trailer for MoH.
captfitz: ok, yeah, i shouldn't claim to know anything about the military. and i will reserve judgement until i have played the game. i just really loved allied assault and i don't want them screwing up my good memories.

By giving the main protag' a beard?
To hardcore for you?
kais246: By giving the main protag' a beard?
To hardcore for you?

no, by making him look stupid and out of line with the rest of the series in a way that indicates a shift toward modern warfare imitation. BUT we've just been over the fact that he may actually be realistic, he seems to be based on a specific real soldier, in fact.
Post edited December 09, 2009 by captfitz
Hmmm disappointed a bit with MoH, I'd rather play that new "Spec Ops: The Line" game.
For other media than video games, the Wachowski brothers are working on a movie about the Iraq war, set 90 years into the future. o.O
Yep, "brothers", or "sister", whatever. Just bring on the war movies. :)