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Today EA announced this new game, what do you guys think about it?
The SP will be developed by EALA itself, and the MP part will be handled by DICE. Funny move though, what's the release date of BF:BC2?!
And the game description reminds me of that "Six Days in Fallujah", that got cancelled with much controversy, being based on current wars.
Post edited December 02, 2009 by taczillabr
Well, if they want the series to remain something resembling viable they had to get it out of WW2. WW2 is officially done when it comes to FPS games...I hope. :)
I'm actually curious to see how this turns out. The fact that they're really emphasizing a strong single player game is a good sign.
They're basically belatedly ripping off Modern Warfare. But then MW2 is the only thing of Koticks' that sold well recently. If EA manage to beat that series at its own game then I may very well be forced to love EA.
I prefer historical settings over contemporary in war FPS games, but I agree that WWII is a bit overused. I'd like to see more games from the "rare" wars, i.e. the wars that are rarely depicted in FPS games. An FPS set in WWI, the Soviet-Afghan war or even the Chinese revolution might be a refreshing change.
Post edited December 02, 2009 by tor
Navagon: ...then I may very well be forced to love EA.

lol, I liked this part. Maybe they'll love you reciprocally and offer some games on GOG for you. Activision gone for consoles with mw2, so we need a favorable answer from EA, for pc gamers, and I think that DICE can take care of this part.
tor: I prefer historical settings over contemporary in war FPS games, but I agree that WWII is a bit overused. I'd like to see more games from the "rare" wars, i.e. the wars that are rarely depicted in FPS games. An FPS set in WWI, the Soviet-Afghan war or even the Chinese revolution might be a refreshing change.

Yeah, why nobody does a intense, real WWI game? And without being hollywood-ish.
I liked your idea of the Soviet-Afghan era, since it's a "forgotten" conflict already...or the six days war between israel, egypt; showing both sides would result in an adrenaline packed storyline, but this last conflict is still alive there. Somehow the same thing as that Fallujah game, since it's not a finished war, the game was cancelled for being the controversial first days of war etc. (even if I wouldn't play it, coming from konami and with consolitis, I appreciate developers investing in the story and hard settings).
I'm interested in the possible setting for COD7 already, rumors that they'll do the Cold War, I just love this history period. But activision will find a way to fuck up/monetize the game.
MoH, we just have to wait until that VGA trailer to see it. It's an opportunity for both devs, COD and MoH, among others. COD will split for a past period, and maybe this is why EA pushed MoH for the actual Afghanistan.
Post edited December 02, 2009 by taczillabr
is no one going to mention how utterly retarded the main character is? he looks like an aging rockstar or a biker gang member. i believe there is a dress code in the armed forces.

that almost sounds like they're implying a rivalry...
captfitz: that almost sounds like they're implying a rivalry...

I think that the press releases for The Beatles: Rock Band when it beat Guitar Hero 5 in sales more than implies there's a rivalry, running up to Activision's face and screaming "GAME ON, SUCKA!"
I like it.
captfitz: is no one going to mention how utterly retarded the main character is? he looks like an aging rockstar or a biker gang member. i believe there is a dress code in the armed forces.

In some islamic countries, soldiers use beards so they are more accepted by the local population. So yeah, they look like bikers. :P
Citation from link: "Beards remain, by and large, the distinctive hallmark of special operations forces in Afghanistan."
The 2 Boer wars, falklands, the 335 years war...
Plenty of scope for people who aren't americans killing folk who aren't germans or japanese. Resistance movements in WW2 would work nicely for limited engagements. Basically laziness is the reason we all know normandy like the back of our hands
taczillabr: Citation from link: "Beards remain, by and large, the distinctive hallmark of special operations forces in Afghanistan."

yeah but according to the link you're playing a US soldier. i was assuming that the guy in the main teaser image was the main character.
taczillabr: Yeah, why nobody does a intense, real WWI game? And without being hollywood-ish.

VIetnam is the correct answer. The coolest, meatiest, and most humbling war of all time (For the American side) needs at LEAST 5000% more attention.
Regarding WWI, I would love to see a great WWI game, but I can't imagine trench warfare translating well into an FPS game.
captfitz: yeah but according to the link you're playing a US soldier. i was assuming that the guy in the main teaser image was the main character.

Looking by that character, he is a US spec ops in 2001, invading Afghanistan. Or, if they'll go for a more troubled story, they'll set it in the last 2,3 years. We know nothing about the game yet, just text and this guy.
taczillabr: Citation from link: "Beards remain, by and large, the distinctive hallmark of special operations forces in Afghanistan."
captfitz: yeah but according to the link you're playing a US soldier. i was assuming that the guy in the main teaser image was the main character.

Full on, legit in country spec ops guys operate under very different rules when it comes to grooming standards. The whole point of groups like that is that they interact with indigenous forces, and it's a lot easier to do that if they look a little bit like them.
ok, yeah, i shouldn't claim to know anything about the military. and i will reserve judgement until i have played the game. i just really loved allied assault and i don't want them screwing up my good memories.
Yep, regardless of the region. Half the time SF guys/gals wear *local* civilian garb, have their side arm hidden. Terps on fobs will generally wear a BDU, digi cammo but the one key differance no weapon, where it says their name it instead is a *interterpeter* they carry no weapon (generally there are a few who are Iraqi Army who do carry). CAC card is displayed on the terp as well.
Even normall soliders day to day lives the ones not on main fob's have different dress codes, if they are on a mission for 3 weeks patrolling say the Iran border facial hair growth is acceptable.
I would love to see a game involving the Afgan/Russian war, there is plently of situations they could use as missions to tell the entire story. Hell the Russians lost soliders even after they were leaving, crossing that bridge, I mean, talk about an Epic Beatdown.