Aver: If you enjoy someone's work, but you refuse to support him then I don't how to call it other than
Phallacy! Ouch!
Aver: I always was taught by my parents that everyone deserve to be paid for his work.
I always was taught by my parents to hate gays. Ouch!
Aver: Of course you can say that game X is too expensive, but then why you don't just avoid it?
Lost sales again? Avoiding pirating something if I wouldn't have bought it is irrational. In this case, piracy is a blatantly obvious net positive: the creator gets nothing, I get increased quality of life (as opposed to "no one gets anything").
Anyway, McPixel's dev is wrong. Twice. The numbers he gives do not correlate to "people who are unable to pay", because
(1) "temporarily free and legit " is more attractive than "0.01c" or "free but pirated" - these folks wouldn't have bought the game at all, and quite a number of them wouldn't even play it; and
(2) using a payment system is a chore, especially compared to a readily available torrent.
But what if everyone starts pirating?! What will happen to the entertainment industry? The Kantians you see in this thread are a direct result of the industry adapting to post-scarcity. We have technology sticks (DRM), technology carrots (online features), ethical sticks (THIEVES!!!), ethical carrots (We sincerely appreciate your generosity. Your bundle is currently valued at $420.00.), bundling scarce features with your purchase (physical copies, thanks in the credits, official support, and
why don't you check out this leaderboard).
Note that the methods that make people feel bad are themselves bad: DRM is paid for by legit customers (a direct parallel to the thief breaking an expensive display while stealing two cans of peas), and ethical shenanigans promote irrationality. On the other hand, methods that make people feel good look suspiciously like
charity. And a realistic democratic government, corruption and all, is still more efficient than any charity. So, ideally, nonscarce things should be free and creators should be given monetary prizes or grants or just put on a salary. And that's Communism.