Posted October 05, 2013
I'm stumped. I've been trying for 3 days to get MP3 to stop crashing on loadup. Where it stops for me is... after logging into Social Club with my login/password. I can take my time in the Social Club window, switch between all the tabs, enter my login and password manually, use the "remember my id" and "remember my login details" as well as even the auto-login options. As long as I stay inside the Social Club app, everything is fine. Soon as I hit LOGIN, then the game just goes silent, black, and then drops to the desktop, with one of those Windows Error boxes that wants to send your details to Microsoft (like they could help!) The error in this box is a failure in kernel32.dll at offset 00012afb.
I'm on Windows XP SP 3, Nvidia GTX 260, 3MB RAM, Intel i7 920. I've tried EVERYTHING on the Rockstar Max Payne 3 Troubleshooting website, so please don't direct me to their site if you have no other ideas. I've tried all of the following (and more) but just to give you some idea...
disabling firewall and anti-virus
reinstalling the game twice
patching the game, launcher, and Social Club manually
alt-tab out to Task Manager and setting CPU affinity to 1
moving the game to c:\maxpayne3 and changing registry to match
run as administrator
upgrading to latest nvidia drivers
reinstalling all Visual C++ redist, DirectX and .NET frameworks from Disc 4 AND then direct from Microsoft websites
validating email with Social Club, filling out all user settings on their website
trying every single command line parameter
removed documents\rockstar\maxpayne3\graphics.xml
setting all graphics.xml settings to 0
tried different resolutions in graphics.xml
disabled .NET 4.0 services
disabled Punkbuster service
rebooting windows with ALL services and startup options turned OFF (msconfig options)
force DX9 only in graphics.xlm and command line
So I'm exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. I'm hoping some GOG kindred spirit may have gone through a similar gauntlet, tried something I haven't tried, and came through victorious! I'd love to hear that I will be able to play this game some day, but it's not looking likely at the moment. Thanks for looking!
I'm on Windows XP SP 3, Nvidia GTX 260, 3MB RAM, Intel i7 920. I've tried EVERYTHING on the Rockstar Max Payne 3 Troubleshooting website, so please don't direct me to their site if you have no other ideas. I've tried all of the following (and more) but just to give you some idea...
disabling firewall and anti-virus
reinstalling the game twice
patching the game, launcher, and Social Club manually
alt-tab out to Task Manager and setting CPU affinity to 1
moving the game to c:\maxpayne3 and changing registry to match
run as administrator
upgrading to latest nvidia drivers
reinstalling all Visual C++ redist, DirectX and .NET frameworks from Disc 4 AND then direct from Microsoft websites
validating email with Social Club, filling out all user settings on their website
trying every single command line parameter
removed documents\rockstar\maxpayne3\graphics.xml
setting all graphics.xml settings to 0
tried different resolutions in graphics.xml
disabled .NET 4.0 services
disabled Punkbuster service
rebooting windows with ALL services and startup options turned OFF (msconfig options)
force DX9 only in graphics.xlm and command line
So I'm exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. I'm hoping some GOG kindred spirit may have gone through a similar gauntlet, tried something I haven't tried, and came through victorious! I'd love to hear that I will be able to play this game some day, but it's not looking likely at the moment. Thanks for looking!