orcishgamer: I don't think you're looking very hard then, there's plenty out there, especially if you're willing to invest in a console as well (since we're at the tail end of this generation it's rather cheap right now).
Path of Exile (grittier)
most fighting games (they have T and A, but not nudity, but they have had this since we were kids)
Firefall (team shooter, not out yet)
Monday Night Combat
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Catslevania: Lords of Shadow
the latest Blood Rayne title (forget the name)
Batman Arkham Asylum (as long as you don't mind the word "bitch", funny how people defended them for making the prisoners "realistic" by overusing bitch but you never heard "cunt", for those in the UK and elsewhere, somehow cunt is more offensive than fuck in the US now).
Is Skyrim too adult?
Kingdoms of Amalur had nothing in the demo that made me think "super adult"
I mean, I just let my kid be interested in whatever she wants to be, I can understand your way of doing it too, it just seems like you're not looking very hard. There's more games made now than 10 years ago, probably by an order of magnitude, I think there's probably plenty, and will always be plenty, kid friendly titles out there.
Your right, it not that these games are not out there. But I seems to me that over the past 5 year mainstream gaming has started to tread more toward games that with games with complex ideas and plots that are adult content and games that are targeted to teens and kids were ideas and plots are watered down.
Though this is just an impression of mine I don't have any data to back it up. But it has just seemed to me that fewer and fewer games by major developers target the "all ages" market with plot driven games.