BlueMooner: Nothing has been spoiled for
me. I saw a few posts of people unhappy because they do. It's the casual relaying of spoilers I object to.
JinseiNGC224: No Doctor Who fan is truly unhappy, just out of place in space and time
It was news that most of the interweb had already known quite quickly and I kept it vague to purposely try and gather a few whovians for a little innocent discussion. In the future I'll be sure to put "spoilers" in any forum title that may have news of which someone else doesn't want to know, or something related to that at least.
I think you're fine with this particular news, it's nigh-impossible not to know. The BBC issued a press release and are reporting it openly on the official DW site's front page, it was also featured on the main evening and daily TV news here in the UK over Saturday night - Sunday when the story broke, and all the papers are busy speculating on who'll take over. In short, they've not kept it a secret and it would be impossible to avoid!
BlueMooner, I hope my comment about preferring not to know didn't make you think it had been spoilt for me - I meant the BBC deciding to issue a press release that Matt Smith's leaving, not Jinsei's post! He didn't do anything wrong :)
I just prefer to enjoy things knowing as little as possible beforehand and it would have been wonderful not to know in advance, but this is definitely public domain news, not some leaked info.
SirPrimalform: There are quite a few of the first and second Doctors stories completely irretrievably missing I'm afraid.
True, but the soundtracks for all 106 missing episodes do exist as they were recorded off-air onto audio tapes by a few 1960s fans when they were broadcast*, so they're still around and you can listen to them all in full, thankfully! We just don't have the picture to go with them... And a lot of them have a series of off-air photos taken every 20 seconds or so and/or publicity photos from the recording or rehearsals, so we know what most things looked like.
It's not so bad and definitely a lot better than it used to be! And more lost film prints might resurface, plus we're now getting some animations to fill some more gaps :)
*if only cheaper video was available back then!
Anyone wanting to enjoy the early missing stories would do well to watch the
fan-made reconstructions from ElDoctorio's YouTube channel :D That's the earliest missing episode, episode 14, the opening of the fourth story.
Edit: ninja'd by bevinator on the audios :)