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Theta_Sigma: While I wasn't bothered so much by seeing them move, I most certainly agree that the neck break thing was a colossal "fuck you" to the audience. I really want to like Moffat, and some of what he has done has been really quiet good, but it's things like that, and a fair bit of things in series 7 that was were really not very good. I mean RTD level of bad. I am falling under the belief, that a show runner should NOT be allowed to write episodes and simply oversee any series long arcs, or what have you. I know that will never happen, but it is my humble opinion on it.
lillywaters: I think the major issue with season seven is that they were pumping all of the money and development into the big 50th bashed. I was hearing that for a while the BBC was tight on money and were giving shows not much cash to work with. Though with how much Doctor Who brings in from the show and items they sell you would think they could easily give the show enough money for a huge season seven and a huge 50th
Possible, though I don't know how much was Moffat getting a bit of an ego and letting in less than good scripts because of the whole "in Moffat we trust" thing. I am not saying that's the case, and could very well be true that it was simply budget constraints due to the 50th. There were A LOT of things I loved about series 7, such as the use of Mondasian (read: real) Cybermen. I am going to give a chance that the 50th will be good, I mean John Nathan-Turner for all his foibles did a fine job with the Five Doctors, so I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the 50th being mind blowingly awesome. If nothing else, getting John Hurt to be in the 50th regardless of role is absolutely fantastic. I think it more or less I'm letting this nagging sense of dread get the better of me, and I should really wait to see the 50th before becoming concerned.

The whole thing with Smith leaving bothers me because of the unfortunately short incarnation lengths some Doctors have gotten, and regenerations (regardless of how many he ends up having) should always be a period of change and I don't want it to become a joke ala Curse of the Fatal Death (ugh). I have nothing against that skit, I laugh my ass off with it, but I rather not life (well as life as as a show can be) start imitating art. Oh well, what happens happens? Am I right? Again, I am not fond of the 10th Doctor all that much, but to borrow a much used quote..."Allons-y!".

Plus...If it turned out to be really THAT bad, they could simply do like they did before and make the whole thing "non canon". Such as they did with Dimensions in Time.

JinseiNGC224: Well, one's things for sure, I haven't had the chance to watch a lot of old doctor who. My fiance is the true expert and I suppose I may have mis-interpreted some facts, but there is a lot of facts, true and not so true, circulating around the not. That said, it did happen, just down the road, and it was indeed health problems. At least we can agree in that!

I'm a little confused on the Netflix though...only outside of NA? I've been watching on streaming. Or maybe we're talking about two different things.

They don't have all the classic on though, just some of the classic, and some of the newer (most except the specials I think)
SirPrimalform: Oh yes, just nothing quite as distressing as him dying on set.

My netflix comment was in response to your mailbox comment. I was saying outside of the US Netflix is streaming only, no disc mailing.
That would have royally sucked, I am glad he made it to at least the Three Doctors to see his legacy continued. I wonder if there was any truth to him coming up with the initial concept for regeneration...well rejuvenation.
Post edited June 02, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
-1 OP for making an unexplained thread (I don't know who Matt Smith is), and for apparently casually revealing spoilers.
Theta_Sigma: There were A LOT of things I loved about series 7, such as the use of Mondasian (read: real) Cybermen.

That would have royally sucked, I am glad he made it to at least the Three Doctors to see his legacy continued. I wonder if there was any truth to him coming up with the initial concept for regeneration...well rejuvenation.
Ah yes, I really hated RTD Cybermen and how they suddenly started showing up everywhere in this universe in every time period as if the proper Cybermen had never existed at all.

Oh yeah, I forgot Patrick Troughton was just supposed to be the Doctor but younger after being rejuvinated! Ah, he was great though. I think the aspects of the Eleventh I like the best are the ones he seems to have borrowed from the second Doctor.

BlueMooner: -1 OP for making an unexplained thread (I don't know who Matt Smith is), and for apparently casually revealing spoilers.
If you don't know who Matt Smith is then nothing has been spoiled...
Post edited June 02, 2013 by SirPrimalform
lillywaters: First of all lets all remember not to jump down each other throat, we should already know the Doctor would not be happy about that.

As for how regeneration started "Doctor had been played by William Hartnell at the programme's inception in 1963. However, by 1966, it was increasingly apparent that Hartnell's health was deteriorating and he was becoming more difficult to work with."

I also know there was some information going around for the longest time that he did collapse on set and that reports claimed that is one reason why they came up with regeneration.

As for the whole season 26... Well yes it is season 26 however, the BBC decided to recount the newer seasons... go look at your blu ray/ dvd set you will see the newer season classified as season 1-7...

The big thing is with the newer Doctors is the fact that none of them want to stay on long enough. I was hoping to see Matt at least beat Tom Baker's years even if it was by a episode or two. Matter of fact Matt was quoted stating that was one of his big goals for Doctor Who. When he first started out I wasn't impressed but I did start to enjoy him a lot as I saw this Doctor grow and change.

I guess there was a few hints even though Matt stated he was staying that he was not leaving. The regeneration set has him on the front regenerating... Though I thought it was just mainly because he was the newest. There was also a lot of different quotes through out season seven about things having to end or nothing would begin... I shrugged those off but I guess the BBC showed me a thing or two.

As for the limit of 12 there was another report stating that the BBC stated that the Doctor will have an unlimited amount of regenerations. After all the world needs the Doctor to me he is really the only super hero that uses his mind more than physical strength to solve issues on hand. I think he makes a great role model and I can only hope that the character will keep growing and hopefully we will get some Doctors who stay on for a longer run.

By the way someone mentioned doctor who was not streaming on netflix in the USA??? That's odd because I was showing my friend old school Doctor who and new school on netflix and I am in the USA
ACTUALLY, the numbering redo was the choice of Russell T Davies, if I'm not mistaken, rather than the BBC. He was given the choice and decided to relabel it as Series (as opposed to season) 1-7. I realize this is just a matter of wording, but most places I've read (including the TARDIS Wiki) label it by season/series. The reason it was changed was Davies assumed people would find it easier, though I find it rather silly in my own opinion.

I really hope you're right about them removing the rule of 12 limit, as others have stated it's obvious it will be removed. I just hope that it is done cleverly within the show rather than a throw away line. It's sad a throw-away line to begin with became canon and caused such issues. :)
Theta_Sigma: There were A LOT of things I loved about series 7, such as the use of Mondasian (read: real) Cybermen.

That would have royally sucked, I am glad he made it to at least the Three Doctors to see his legacy continued. I wonder if there was any truth to him coming up with the initial concept for regeneration...well rejuvenation.
SirPrimalform: Ah yes, I really hated RTD Cybermen and how they suddenly started showing up everywhere in this universe in every time period as if the proper Cybermen had never existed at all.

Oh yeah, I forgot Patrick Troughton was just supposed to be the Doctor but younger after being rejuvinated! Ah, he was great though. I think the aspects of the Eleventh I like the best are the ones he seems to have borrowed from the second Doctor.
Yes, I was bothered how RTD essentially tried removing the Cybermen (the real ones) from existence. I have to admit though, I loved the redesign in the Gaiman episode. It was rather exciting to see them as more deadly looking monsters, rather than clunky "ka-chunk, ka-chunk" looking monsters.

Yes, I love Troughton he was such a delightfully giddy, but dark and foreboding version of the Doctor. Yep, it was nice though that they left it somewhat mysterious and kept it more or less "unknown" till they were able to explain it in a more concise and interesting fashion. Rather than explaining out right he just did something silly like pull a Superman on himself. I was happy to see Smith really channeling the Second (and a bit of the Seventh) Doctor's dark and ominous below the bubbly and excitable surface personality.
Post edited June 02, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
SirPrimalform: If you don't know who Matt Smith is then nothing has been spoiled...
Nothing has been spoiled for me. I saw a few posts of people unhappy because they do. It's the casual relaying of spoilers I object to.
Theta_Sigma: ACTUALLY, the numbering redo was the choice of Russell T Davies, if I'm not mistaken, rather than the BBC. He was given the choice and decided to relabel it as Series (as opposed to season) 1-7. I realize this is just a matter of wording, but most places I've read (including the TARDIS Wiki) label it by season/series. The reason it was changed was Davies assumed people would find it easier, though I find it rather silly in my own opinion.
To be honest, the numbering reset makes sense to me because series/season is not a way of measuring internal chronology. It's a way of measuring real world production chronology and the revived series is a new and separate production. The fact that it continues the original canon doesn't make it an actual continuation of the original series.

IMO of course. >_>
Theta_Sigma: ACTUALLY, the numbering redo was the choice of Russell T Davies, if I'm not mistaken, rather than the BBC. He was given the choice and decided to relabel it as Series (as opposed to season) 1-7. I realize this is just a matter of wording, but most places I've read (including the TARDIS Wiki) label it by season/series. The reason it was changed was Davies assumed people would find it easier, though I find it rather silly in my own opinion.
SirPrimalform: To be honest, the numbering reset makes sense to me because series/season is not a way of measuring internal chronology. It's a way of measuring real world production chronology and the revived series is a new and separate production. The fact that it continues the original canon doesn't make it an actual continuation of the original series.

IMO of course. >_>
Granted, in many regards you are correct. However I have to disagree that it is not a continuation of the original, as in that light the second they changed show runners or head writing staff originally you could make the argument of it "not being a continuation" per se. Either way, you are entitled to believe as you do, as I am to believe how I do. Though on that note, the serious would probably not garner as much interest if such debates and discussions as this, and the other in this thread did not occur. :) At least, that's in my opinion.

edit: Either way, this discussion of Doctor Who has put me in the mood to dig out some classic who and have myself a little marathon of random Doctor serials. I should try cobble together all the serials that allude to the Doctor's "other" nature (see The Cartmel Master Plan video from TGWTG) and see if I could put together a little mini collection of them on a disc or something.
Post edited June 02, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
Starting over from 1 made sense because it's a different structure. If they were still multi-part stories of shorter duration it would have made sense to keep the old numbers.

Either way it's a marketing thing, not something that matters.
StingingVelvet: Starting over from 1 made sense because it's a different structure. If they were still multi-part stories of shorter duration it would have made sense to keep the old numbers.

Either way it's a marketing thing, not something that matters.
Well, the Sixth Doctor period DID attempt to make longer episodes, but it sadly didn't work out. Yeah I know they were still serialized but still, I preferred the longer format myself.

You are right though, it's really just a marketing thing. While I prefer they had of stayed as is, it's not a big deal, a series, is a series, is a series.
Timelord1963: Just regarding the regeneration cap, it means nothing really! The Master survived (and still does) long after his last regeneration was used up and the Timelords even offered him a whole new regenerative cycle if he helped them in The Five Doctors. It's just an arbitrary limited number, something that the Timelords control, or rather controlled, but they are no more... Therefore infinite Doctors :) (almost sounds like a book!).

The Doctor also says something about having 500-odd regenerations in The Sarah Jane Adventures (The Death of the Doctor). So just Eleven is fine :D
JinseiNGC224: Point well taken!

Also, in "The Doctor's Wife" episode, where the Doctor, Amy, and Rory go into the dimension with the being that consumed time lords, the T.A.R.D.I.S. took human form and told the doctor about something regarding what happened with a doctor in his 30th regeneration or so (somewhere in the 30s). The Doctor himself said that's impossible,but the T.A.R.D.I.S. begged to differ :)

I really enjoyed this episode. It just so happened Neil Gaiman wrote it, even though it had to be butchered/condensed a bit because he wrote so much awesome stuff, it couldn't all fit in one episode, hehe

The whole re-generation thing began originally due to the first doctor, William Hartnell, dieing on set and the crew quickly coming up with an idea as to how to keep the show going.

Oddly enough, before he died, he said this:
I could be reading your post wrong but Hartnell lived for nearly ten years after Troughton Replaced him, he even starred in the tenth anniversary four years later.

Oddly enough Hartnell and Troughton both died at the Same age
Post edited June 03, 2013 by Master911
Psyringe: The 11th Doctor said in this episode that the "John Hurt" Doctor was one of his previous incarnations. So unless someone expects the whole next season to be a massive flashback, stating that John Hurt is very unlikely to be the 12th doctor hardly constitutes a spoiler (imho). :)
Navagon: Given the nature of the series, how can you rule out an earlier incarnation? It's not like time has any real bearing and maybe it's their only remaining means of resurrecting the Doctor's most iconic enemies once more? With the Doctor walking into his own time stream like it was nothing who's to say? (unless you already know for sure?)
Given the nature of the series, nothing can be ruled out completely. That's why I said "very unlikely" instead of "impossible". In fact, going back to an earlier incarnation _could_ be a solution if they got the impression that they've run the show against the wall and need a complete reboot not only of the Doctor character, but also of his recent history and character development. But even then there'd be other options to achieve the same - e.g. doing a "failed" regeneration that costs the Doctor part of his memory.

But there's simply no indication at all that anybody sees the latest Doctors as such colossal failures that a reboot of that magnitude would be required.
Theta_Sigma: You are right though, it's really just a marketing thing. While I prefer they had of stayed as is, it's not a big deal, a series, is a series, is a series.
I've always looked at the whole thing by story number anyway, to be honest. Probably because I collect the classic DVDs and they're released that way. Even the modern show is sorted by story number on Wikipedia and such though, and Planet of the Dead had a big 200th story thing going on.
Theta_Sigma: You are right though, it's really just a marketing thing. While I prefer they had of stayed as is, it's not a big deal, a series, is a series, is a series.
StingingVelvet: I've always looked at the whole thing by story number anyway, to be honest. Probably because I collect the classic DVDs and they're released that way. Even the modern show is sorted by story number on Wikipedia and such though, and Planet of the Dead had a big 200th story thing going on.
Yeah, I am the same way with collecting classic Who on DVD. I want to get the E-Space Trilogy, as I only have it currently on VHS. Sad to say the place here no longer carries classic Who sets, so I'll have to look online.
Theta_Sigma: Yeah, I am the same way with collecting classic Who on DVD. I want to get the E-Space Trilogy, as I only have it currently on VHS. Sad to say the place here no longer carries classic Who sets, so I'll have to look online.
I get them all on amazon.
Theta_Sigma: Yeah, I am the same way with collecting classic Who on DVD. I want to get the E-Space Trilogy, as I only have it currently on VHS. Sad to say the place here no longer carries classic Who sets, so I'll have to look online.
StingingVelvet: I get them all on amazon.
Oh crap, I am such a maroon. I completely forgot about just snagging them off of Amazon. Ugh, thanks for reminding me. :)