Theta_Sigma: Well, thing is the Time Lords put the cap in place for a 3 pronged reason: 1) Due to genetic instability of early regeneration methods after 12 regenerations
Timelord1963: Hey, the Master's always stayed cOMplEteLy SAnE, what's your point?! ;)
(in fairness, he's stayed as sane as he always was :)
Theta_Sigma: 2) as a method of artificially controlling Time Lords so no one could usurp Rassilon (haha and we know how well THAT worked out) and 3) as a means keeping Renegade Time Lords and outsiders from abusing regeneration techniques (I can think of two examples off hand that did). Now, yes the master did get offered a new set (technically twice if you count the Time War) during the Five Doctors, but I'm not sure if he ever got them. And there are a slew of info on different ways regeneration is accomplished (one being energy packets that get released upon need/will).
Well to be fair that was actually stated to be nothing more than a joke by RTD. However, I know they are going to pull the limit from him. Hell the 50th could be the release of the Time Lords, and them granting him more regenerations for all I know. For the sake of Trial of a Time Lord alone, hopefully proves they get released at some point. Who knows though. :P
Timelord1963: Yeah, they'll resolve it somehow. I must admit for myself, I've always taken the 13 incarnation limit with a pinch of salt, it's a loosely established thing and there are plenty of get-outs. If the Time Lords don't return then there's no longer anything to limit it, if they do then they can grant more regenerations. I quite like the idea of the Universe not being able to let the Doctor go, too :) And River gave him all her remaining regenerations in
Let's Kill Hitler, that could give him a few more. And there's a whole slew of other possibilities!
bevinator: I really hope they don't do this. I'm perfectly okay with female Time Lords, in fact Romana I is one of my favorite companions. But having the Doctor regenerate as female would violate all sorts of precedents in addition to forcing the writing staff to make a whole new dynamic.
One of the biggest weaknesses of the new series IMO is that the Doctor is the ONLY Time Lord. Sure, it makes him all angsty and whatnot, but I always found Time Lord interference to be much more interesting.
Timelord1963: There's always Romana off somewhere in E-Space, and Susan - I like to think they escaped :) And House had found others in
The Doctor's Wife, so there were some who escaped the Time War. Maybe there's a few more resourceful renegades carrying fob watches around...
True, but my comment was more or less directed at Rassilon and his sometimes good guy, sometimes batshit crazy lunatic personality depending on the regeneration.
I have taken the rule of 13 as canon only because it was made far more serious than it really was meant to be. I really don't think it should have been "a thing", though the Doctor regenerating a 13th time into Death does lay some credence to it. That being said though, I have no doubt they will find some work around, and with the regenerations he incurred from River, he could have many more that way. I want to see the return of the Time Lords with them imprisoning Rassilon and trying to make amends, and by giving the Doctor more regenerations for them following a madman into war. Perhaps Rassilon taking on a more shadowy and darker antagonistic role ala The Black Guardian though corporeal. I am actually quiet curious how they intend to "fix" his lack of regenerations.
Well that depends if Romana was still in E-Space or if her appearance in the books was canon. Susan, hmm who knows if she survived, I would like to think so since she never regenerated on screen so it is possible to see her make a comeback IF she survived. Well to be fair about House, there is no telling how long ago he killed those Time Lords, it could have been long before the Time Lock was put in in place. I always felt for the Doctor in that episode when he had that glimmer of hope of not being alone, and having it snatched away from him. It would be interesting to see if and how any Time Lords were to survive though.
Timelord1963: There's always Romana off somewhere in E-Space, and Susan - I like to think they escaped :) And House had found others in
The Doctor's Wife, so there were some who escaped the Time War. Maybe there's a few more resourceful renegades carrying fob watches around...
Lifthrasil: and there is the Doctors 'Daughter'. (well, gender switched clone, really)
...who is IRL the Fifth Doctors Daugther and is married to the Tenth Doctor...
Why do I suddenly hear the banjos from Deliverance going. LOL jk
Actually, that is a valid point, clone or not, she IS a full blooded Time Lord. It would be nice to see her make a return into the series some how being plot pivotal to an arc or mini-arc.