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Theta_Sigma: ....
Fenixp: I think it's been already said somewhere that the 'Reneration cap' for Doctor was lifted.
Well of course! How else are they going to keep the show running long after it's a zombified corpse dripping icky bits all over its former glory? Heck, a hundred years from now, fans of the 43rd Doctor are going to look back at all this and laugh. "Only thirteen regenerations? How silly!"
Momo1991: A Hollywood insider once told me that when someone leaves a TV show it is most probable that they wanted a raise.
SirPrimalform: In this case though, Matt Smith leaving was an inevitability. It's just how Doctor Who works.

Theta_Sigma: Thank you for letting me ramble, I think I will get myself a bag of Jelly Babies from the fridge now. :D
SirPrimalform: If you keep them in the fridge they'll go all sticky... in fact it's not like they really go 'off', so there's no point in putting them in the fridge! :P
Actually, I had a little ant problem, so it was more to avoid them attracting any bugs into the house. Otherwise I'd keep them out. Thankfully my fridge has a portion that doesn't get that cold (for storing things that need only be chilled slightly), so I don't have to worry about that.
Theta_Sigma: ....
Fenixp: I think it's been already said somewhere that the 'Reneration cap' for Doctor was lifted.
I haven't read that, though if you have a source please do post.
SirPrimalform: In this case though, Matt Smith leaving was an inevitability. It's just how Doctor Who works.

If you keep them in the fridge they'll go all sticky... in fact it's not like they really go 'off', so there's no point in putting them in the fridge! :P
Momo1991: How many Doctor's have there been?
There have been 11 (not including alt universe Doctors from audio dramas or Peter Cushing), but that could change come the 50th, though I'm trying to avoid spoilers.
JinseiNGC224: I in no way said it was the beginning. It's simply referred to as "1" and most new fans won't have a clue about the old series seeing a 15 year gap, not including the 90's TV movie.

Chronologically it's 27. But for modern purposes and for simplicity, it's 1. And it will be referred to as 1 by BBC, by most modern fans who aren't familiar with the old, and even the DVD's/Blu Rays you watch, or Netflix.

Some old doctors went fast, others went slower (Tom Baker as one example: 7 years :O), but the newer ones have been running out a fast pace, seeing each one has barely 3 years under their belt, despite on screen filming time compared to older formats. And 12 is supposed to be the magical number and final regeneration, But I can only imagine that will change as there are ways around that.

It's good to see some diehard whovians on GOG though :)
Sorry about that, I meant no insult. It's just sometimes I see people say that, and have not been aware of the past show, or that they are connected. :) Well to be fair Colin got screwed over pretty badly, I actually liked his snarky assholishness. Yeah, but keep in mind Rassilon had no limitations, and who knows if they will pull anything from Lungbarrow, or the like. While some books aren't canon, it's still stuff they can work with. So long as they leave the looms out of it *shutter*

So true, it warms my heart to see so many Who fans of every type. :)
Post edited June 02, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
Post edited June 02, 2013 by wpegg
wpegg: So you have spoilers? Is this beyond the general speculation that John Hurt is the Valeyard? Why do you have these spoilers?
Oh, no no, it's still speculation, that's why I said COULD. However I wasn't aware if anyone HASN'T read what Hurt had said, so I was trying to avoid spoiling it for anyone who was avoiding reading about it.
Theta_Sigma: I haven't read that, though if you have a source please do post.
You're asking me to put effort into something I don't really care about :-p All in all, it's silly to believe that the 12 regenerations limit will be kept - as long as the show makes money, this will be changed. I'm fairly sure Doctor already said it in some spinoff series or something like that, feel free to google. 12 was a nice number when it was made up, seemed like enough at the time - but when it's not enough, this cap will quite simply get removed.
Theta_Sigma: <snip>
OK, I'll edit out to avoid spoiling people's surprise.
I heard that they might bring in Pete Townshend to take over the part. Of course if they do they'll have to change it from "Dr. Who" to "Dr. Huh".
Considering he said he was going to stay a while longer I suspect this was the decision of Moffet
Oh well he will be missed
Lets hope they get a good 12th
Fenixp: You're asking me to put effort into something I don't really care about :-p All in all, it's silly to believe that the 12 regenerations limit will be kept - as long as the show makes money, this will be changed. I'm fairly sure Doctor already said it in some spinoff series or something like that, feel free to google. 12 was a nice number when it was made up, seemed like enough at the time - but when it's not enough, this cap will quite simply get removed.
I know, I am just that kinda guy jk :P. I know that it will be removed, hell it was only supposed to be a throw away line to begin with. Yes I agree so long as the BBC makes money hand over fist with it, then the Doctor will continue to roam the air waves.


Well according to Lungbarrow (sorry to everyone for bringing it up), or Brain of Morbius, if what is said is true, then the Other has no limitations on Regenerations and can thus far regenerate indefinitely like Rassilon. And considering how the Other threw himself into the genetic material for the House of Lungbarrow, it's possible all members of that linage would be capable of the same thing.

[end possible spoilers]

Again, I have no doubt they will remove it, I just hope that it's something clever, and not a cheap deus ex machina much like Doctor TinkerJesus.
I was a bit surprised to read Matt Smith was leaving. I was starting to really like his Doctor. Not as much as Tom Baker, but pretty close.

Now let the fun of guessing who the new Doctor is going to be!
DireRabbit: I was a bit surprised to read Matt Smith was leaving. I was starting to really like his Doctor. Not as much as Tom Baker, but pretty close.

Now let the fun of guessing who the new Doctor is going to be!
Haha, I love your display pic, makes me wish mine would fit.
Just regarding the regeneration cap, it means nothing really! The Master survived (and still does) long after his last regeneration was used up and the Timelords even offered him a whole new regenerative cycle if he helped them in The Five Doctors. It's just an arbitrary limited number, something that the Timelords control, or rather controlled, but they are no more... Therefore infinite Doctors :) (almost sounds like a book!).

The Doctor also says something about having 500-odd regenerations in The Sarah Jane Adventures (The Death of the Doctor). So just Eleven is fine :D
I'm also pretty sad that Matt Smith is leaving DW. Though, like some other people in this thread, I have not really enjoyed season 7 (in New Who*), and I hope that a new Doctor will bring some fresh writing and ideas to the show. Though, also as someone else said, I think that I am sort of over Moffet's writing at this point. He is too long mysteries for me -- particularly in the action of actually watching the show as it is airing. I didn't start watching New Who until about a year ago, and so I watched season 1-6 all the way through, and started season 7 last fall. So the pacing worked when I could move on at the pace I wanted, but the spread out over weeks isn't great in my mind.

But yeah, I will definitely miss Smith's Doctor. I like him pretty equally to both Tennant and Eccleston, actually, just all for different reasons. If I was forced to pick a "favorite" I would pick Tennant, but I like the season 5 and 6 finales of Smith better than Tennant's finales.

My biggest hope is actually that they have a Time Lady Doctor. Though with Moffet writing, I don't think that she would be all that great (as I have a lot of issues with his writing of female characters). I really just would like a totally different Who experience, basically.

*I also have not seen all / very many of old DW, anyway. Something I'm sort of working on this summer.
Timelord1963: Just regarding the regeneration cap, it means nothing really! The Master survived (and still does) long after his last regeneration was used up and the Timelords even offered him a whole new regenerative cycle if he helped them in The Five Doctors. It's just an arbitrary limited number, something that the Timelords control, or rather controlled, but they are no more... Therefore infinite Doctors :) (almost sounds like a book!).

The Doctor also says something about having 500-odd regenerations in The Sarah Jane Adventures (The Death of the Doctor). So just Eleven is fine :D
Well, thing is the Time Lords put the cap in place for a 3 pronged reason: 1) Due to genetic instability of early regeneration methods after 12 regenerations 2) as a method of artificially controlling Time Lords so no one could usurp Rassilon (haha and we know how well THAT worked out) and 3) as a means keeping Renegade Time Lords and outsiders from abusing regeneration techniques (I can think of two examples off hand that did). Now, yes the master did get offered a new set (technically twice if you count the Time War) during the Five Doctors, but I'm not sure if he ever got them. And there are a slew of info on different ways regeneration is accomplished (one being energy packets that get released upon need/will).

Well to be fair that was actually stated to be nothing more than a joke by RTD. However, I know they are going to pull the limit from him. Hell the 50th could be the release of the Time Lords, and them granting him more regenerations for all I know. For the sake of Trial of a Time Lord alone, hopefully proves they get released at some point. Who knows though. :P
SheBear: My biggest hope is actually that they have a Time Lady Doctor. Though with Moffet writing, I don't think that she would be all that great (as I have a lot of issues with his writing of female characters). I really just would like a totally different Who experience, basically.
I really hope they don't do this. I'm perfectly okay with female Time Lords, in fact Romana I is one of my favorite companions. But having the Doctor regenerate as female would violate all sorts of precedents in addition to forcing the writing staff to make a whole new dynamic.

One of the biggest weaknesses of the new series IMO is that the Doctor is the ONLY Time Lord. Sure, it makes him all angsty and whatnot, but I always found Time Lord interference to be much more interesting.