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Well too bad, I thought he was a pretty good doctor, I would even go as far as committing the unforgivable and say that I actually prefer Smith over Tennant.

Personally I would also have prefered if it was Moffat they changed instead, as much as I liked earlier Moffat stories and as much as he was generally an improvement over RTD, he seems to no longer knows what to do with the show, the last season was pretty below average IMHO; even the big finale; heck even the Angels episode was rather disappointing.
Post edited June 02, 2013 by Gersen
I realize the civilized Eastern World doesn't want to hear about our juvenile shit American television, but a lot of people over here thought the world was coming to an end when Shelley Long left "Cheers". What happened? The show game back 100% better and poor Shelley fell of the face of the Earth...until "The Brady Bunch Movie" that is in which I actually thought she did a pretty good job. :D
Post edited June 02, 2013 by tinyE
To be a bit random, I'm not sure who here plays pen & paper RPG's still (I love them), but Cubicle 7 over across the pond in the UK have been making some good RPG supplements.

On that note, they're releasing a 160 page hardcover book for each and every doctor generation, starting with William Hartnell. That book is already out I believe. That's ten more to go with Patrick Troughton around the corner. By the 50th Matt Smith SHOULD (hopefully) be out, or by the end of the year.

The books are good for RPG lovers, but also they have loads of information on those particular doctors that each book is focused on and about the episodes, creatures, worlds, companions, and so on.

They also have some other cool RPG series, oh and a Doctor Who card game

On the 50th note, there's also the 50th monopoly, 50th Yahtzee, and soon to be 50th DVD game. All there missing is a 50th Risk with Cybermen, Sontarons, and Daleks....that's my own idea, but it could work >.>
Post edited June 02, 2013 by JinseiNGC224
Pity, he was better than Tennant.
tinyE: I realize the civilized Eastern World doesn't want to hear about our juvenile shit American television, but a lot of people over here thought the world was coming to an end when Shelley Long left "Cheers". What happened? The show game back 100% better and poor Shelley fell of the face of the Earth...until "The Brady Bunch Movie" that is in which I actually thought she did a pretty good job. :D
That's a great reference, mostly because I'm old enough to appreciate it. Point taken though. It is the beauty of having a character that regenerates into someone new, you can do whatever you want.

Personally, I love Doctor Who and have since I was a kid. Really interested to see where it goes.
My only correction to what was said earlier, but Eccleston's season was 27 NOT season 1. Sorry but it isn't a reboot series, so calling it season one is incorrect, I don't mean to be pedantic, but it bothers me a bit when people say it that way. Series 1 is a more accurate description as is how it was labeled. Again, I apologize for being pedantic, I just get a real bee in my bonnet about that.

Now on to the subject at hand, I am really pissed off about this news. I am not sick of Matt Smith (in fact I have found his portrayal (despite Moffat making some so-so stories since becoming show runner) to be spot on as The Doctor), but I think it's far too soon to use a regeneration as this just forces the character's time to run out sooner. I guess I miss the days of Tom Baker, or Paul McGann (if you take the audio dramas into account) where there was more time given to the incarnation. I do think that Smith is being pushed out rather than out of his own desire, when you see him in interviews he always has such joy in his face when talking about DW. Now, I am not saying that IS true, but it is the impression I get.

There are a slew of actors I'd love to see take up the mantel, and I would love to see the show go down the Cartmel Masterplan route. I have no doubt that the Doctor will some how get more regenerations, some how. As in all reality this is the BBC we are talking about, and they made the mistake of killing the golden goose once, they will not likely do it again. They would more likely boot Moffat as showrunner than let him kill that cash cow.

I am used to change in DW, since I've watched the show for the last 30+ years (my father introduced me to the show when I was a few months old, and it is one of my earliest and most pleasant memories watching the show together), but the rate of regenerations have been used up is a bit slower than some old series Doctors, but still with so few left (well possibly none), you would think they would have been more careful. Anyway, I know a lot of classic who fans will say "Lungbarrow isn't canon", and yes to a large degree I agree, but there are certain aspects of it that could be worked into the plot, in "the Other" ways (wink wink, nudge nudge).

It is no secret I am not fond of Tennant's Doctor (mostly due to the atrocious writing of RTD), and in my opinion, I would rather not see another Doctor similar to him. However that being said, I respect another person's right to like him as their favourite (hell mine are Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker, and Sylvester McCoy...and to a small extent Colin Baker was very, VERY underrated), but I do get kind of tired of those who bash actors and Doctors who aren't Tennant. I know that isn't all Tennant fans, but it's enough it gives me a bit of a headache. I am a firm believer no Doctor is "the best" or "the worst", it's all a matter of opinion, and personal preference. No matter Who (see what I did there? ;) hehe) is your favourite, that doesn't matter because the beauty of the show is there is a Doctor for practically everyone.

Thank you for letting me ramble, I think I will get myself a bag of Jelly Babies from the fridge now. :D
A Hollywood insider once told me that when someone leaves a TV show it is most probable that they wanted a raise.
Theta_Sigma: <snip>
So Who (see what I did there...) was your first. Were you there for William Hartnell?
Well, he was the Doctor for long enough, change is good. And I ... Didn't really like Matt Smith all that much, he seemed terrible for anything just slightly more serious
Momo1991: A Hollywood insider once told me that when someone leaves a TV show it is most probable that they wanted a raise.
Doubtful, but not impossible sadly to say.
Momo1991: A Hollywood insider once told me that when someone leaves a TV show it is most probable that they wanted a raise.
In this case though, Matt Smith leaving was an inevitability. It's just how Doctor Who works.

Theta_Sigma: Thank you for letting me ramble, I think I will get myself a bag of Jelly Babies from the fridge now. :D
If you keep them in the fridge they'll go all sticky... in fact it's not like they really go 'off', so there's no point in putting them in the fridge! :P
Theta_Sigma: ....
I think it's been already said somewhere that the 'Reneration cap' for Doctor was lifted.
Momo1991: A Hollywood insider once told me that when someone leaves a TV show it is most probable that they wanted a raise.
SirPrimalform: In this case though, Matt Smith leaving was an inevitability. It's just how Doctor Who works.

Theta_Sigma: Thank you for letting me ramble, I think I will get myself a bag of Jelly Babies from the fridge now. :D
SirPrimalform: If you keep them in the fridge they'll go all sticky... in fact it's not like they really go 'off', so there's no point in putting them in the fridge! :P
How many Doctor's have there been?
Theta_Sigma: <snip>
wpegg: So Who (see what I did there...) was your first. Were you there for William Hartnell?
LOL! I'm not quiet that old, my first was technically Tom Baker (since his run aired months and months later than it did in the UK during the 80s), though they ran reruns of Hartnell through Pertwee which we watched together. The show finally caught up during the Davison era oddly enough.
Theta_Sigma: My only correction to what was said earlier, but Eccleston's season was 27 NOT season 1. Sorry but it isn't a reboot series, so calling it season one is incorrect, I don't mean to be pedantic, but it bothers me a bit when people say it that way. Series 1 is a more accurate description as is how it was labeled. Again, I apologize for being pedantic, I just get a real bee in my bonnet about that.

Now on to the subject at hand, I am really pissed off about this news. I am not sick of Matt Smith (in fact I have found his portrayal (despite Moffat making some so-so stories since becoming show runner) to be spot on as The Doctor), but I think it's far too soon to use a regeneration as this just forces the character's time to run out sooner. I guess I miss the days of Tom Baker, or Paul McGann (if you take the audio dramas into account) where there was more time given to the incarnation. I do think that Smith is being pushed out rather than out of his own desire, when you see him in interviews he always has such joy in his face when talking about DW. Now, I am not saying that IS true, but it is the impression I get.

There are a slew of actors I'd love to see take up the mantel, and I would love to see the show go down the Cartmel Masterplan route. I have no doubt that the Doctor will some how get more regenerations, some how. As in all reality this is the BBC we are talking about, and they made the mistake of killing the golden goose once, they will not likely do it again. They would more likely boot Moffat as showrunner than let him kill that cash cow.

I am used to change in DW, since I've watched the show for the last 30+ years (my father introduced me to the show when I was a few months old, and it is one of my earliest and most pleasant memories watching the show together), but the rate of regenerations have been used up is a bit slower than some old series Doctors, but still with so few left (well possibly none), you would think they would have been more careful. Anyway, I know a lot of classic who fans will say "Lungbarrow isn't canon", and yes to a large degree I agree, but there are certain aspects of it that could be worked into the plot, in "the Other" ways (wink wink, nudge nudge).

It is no secret I am not fond of Tennant's Doctor (mostly due to the atrocious writing of RTD), and in my opinion, I would rather not see another Doctor similar to him. However that being said, I respect another person's right to like him as their favourite (hell mine are Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker, and Sylvester McCoy...and to a small extent Colin Baker was very, VERY underrated), but I do get kind of tired of those who bash actors and Doctors who aren't Tennant. I know that isn't all Tennant fans, but it's enough it gives me a bit of a headache. I am a firm believer no Doctor is "the best" or "the worst", it's all a matter of opinion, and personal preference. No matter Who (see what I did there? ;) hehe) is your favourite, that doesn't matter because the beauty of the show is there is a Doctor for practically everyone.

Thank you for letting me ramble, I think I will get myself a bag of Jelly Babies from the fridge now. :D
I in no way said it was the beginning. It's simply referred to as "1" and most new fans won't have a clue about the old series seeing a 15 year gap, not including the 90's TV movie.

Chronologically it's 27. But for modern purposes and for simplicity, it's 1. And it will be referred to as 1 by BBC, by most modern fans who aren't familiar with the old, and even the DVD's/Blu Rays you watch, or Netflix.

Some old doctors went fast, others went slower (Tom Baker as one example: 7 years :O), but the newer ones have been running out a fast pace, seeing each one has barely 3 years under their belt, despite on screen filming time compared to older formats. And 12 is supposed to be the magical number and final regeneration, But I can only imagine that will change as there are ways around that.

It's good to see some diehard whovians on GOG though :)
Post edited June 02, 2013 by JinseiNGC224