Doctor Who is a show that's always eluded me for one reason or another, I only really sat down to watch any of it properly when I got a best of tom baker video set off a friend. Dispite some cheese, I found myself far more engaged than I expected and immediately wanted to know and see more.
The I caught the last half of the new season seven and was immediately, and inextricably hooked, Matt Smith's characterization was exceptional, the full body flourishes, the playful nonchalantness... having since watched a good number of his series episodes I am really sad to see him go, I feel it's just too soon, he needed one more season, the chemistry between his doctor and Clara needs more time...
I still haven't seen any Eccleston episodes, but I did like Richard Hammond, er David Tennant's doctor, but nowhere near as much as Smith.
I don't feel ready for a new face yet, 12 sure has a lot to live up to