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wpegg: It really wasn't, but I've been cautioned against spoilers in previous posts, so I'll let you continue that line of thinking.
Psyringe: The 11th Doctor said in this episode that the "John Hurt" Doctor was one of his previous incarnations. So unless someone expects the whole next season to be a massive flashback, stating that John Hurt is very unlikely to be the 12th doctor hardly constitutes a spoiler (imho). :)
That wasn't actually the spoiler I was referring to, more as to the character that Hurt probably is.
BoxOfSnoo: Night Terrors... Ugh. Can't say I have really enjoyed anything Gatiss did.
If it's the episode I think it is then it's possibly the worst episode of the entire show (2005 and onward, I haven't seen the old one).

The season 7 finale was a let down, I didn't find the impossible girl story arc all that impressive, too predictable. I had hoped for something more interesting regarding the Great Intelligence because on tardis wikia it says he's one of those beings that could possibly have come from an earlier universe. Also, calling the episode "the name of the doctor" without revealing it was a d*ck move. I know this secret is probably going to haunt us until the finale but still, they should have picked a different name to be honest. The idea to go to Trensaloze was interesting though. Now all that's left is those towers with the singing bells before River Song's story arc is complete.

Regarding Clara, I would have enjoyed it more if she was just a normal girl that didn't have anything to do with the doctor's past yet it should have looked like she would because he always suspects something due to his vast experience. That would have been more surprising both for the audience and him as a character.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by Nirth
The name of the doctor refers to the meaning of the name "the doctor" not what name he was given as a child which is irrelevant both inuniverse and in real life. His true name is Doctor as is Master's name.
title was great in my opinion.
Theta_Sigma: Oh crap, I am such a maroon. I completely forgot about just snagging them off of Amazon. Ugh, thanks for reminding me. :)
I have about half of them, I could suggest some good DVDs if you want. The special editions seem to have ended with The Green Death, so you can buy pretty much anything without worry.
BoxOfSnoo: Night Terrors... Ugh. Can't say I have really enjoyed anything Gatiss did.
Night Terrors was rumored to have been butchered after his initial script was submitted due to budget cuts and some other things. Not his best. The Unquiet Dead was quintessential Doctor Who though, and his between episodes have been pretty decent. He knows what he's doing.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by StingingVelvet
Theta_Sigma: Oh crap, I am such a maroon. I completely forgot about just snagging them off of Amazon. Ugh, thanks for reminding me. :)
StingingVelvet: I have about half of them, I could suggest some good DVDs if you want. The special editions seem to have ended with The Green Death, so you can buy pretty much anything without worry.
BoxOfSnoo: Night Terrors... Ugh. Can't say I have really enjoyed anything Gatiss did.
StingingVelvet: Night Terrors was rumored to have been butchered after his initial script was submitted due to budget cuts and some other things. Not his best. The Unquiet Dead was quintessential Doctor Who though, and his between episodes have been pretty decent. He knows what he's doing.
By all means, I have a mish-mash of 1st, 2nd, 3rd (most the the Dalek War set), 4th, 6th, 7th, and obvious continuation series', but I'm always open to suggestions in case there is something I may have missed, or forgotten about.
Theta_Sigma: By all means, I have a mish-mash of 1st, 2nd, 3rd (most the the Dalek War set), 4th, 6th, 7th, and obvious continuation series', but I'm always open to suggestions in case there is something I may have missed, or forgotten about.
In that Dalek War set is one of my favorite Pertwee stories, Frontier in Space. If you liked that try the Peladon stories, or Death to the Daleks. I like a lot of Pertwee, for whatever reason... seems more sci-fi to me.

Caves of Androzani and Seeds of Doom are two of my favorite Doctor Who stories, if you don't have them yet. I think McCoy's final season is surprisingly good compared to the 5 years of mostly shite that came before it. Ghost Light and Curse of Fenric are especially entertaining for me. Ghost Light really requires a lot of thought to understand, though.

And my favorite Doctor is Patrick Troughton, I love that old Twilight Zone style 60's sci-fi. Every DVD of his is worth getting really, except maybe The Mind Robber.
Oh and I hope they don't regenerate into a female doctor, because I'm positive it would be just a gimmick. Totally unnecessary baggage for the story.

StingingVelvet: Caves of Androzani and Seeds of Doom are two of my favorite Doctor Who stories, if you don't have them yet.
Ahh, I remember Seeds of Doom. I enjoyed that... and I seem to remember enjoying "Timelash" quite a bit.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by BoxOfSnoo
Theta_Sigma: By all means, I have a mish-mash of 1st, 2nd, 3rd (most the the Dalek War set), 4th, 6th, 7th, and obvious continuation series', but I'm always open to suggestions in case there is something I may have missed, or forgotten about.
StingingVelvet: In that Dalek War set is one of my favorite Pertwee stories, Frontier in Space. If you liked that try the Peladon stories, or Death to the Daleks. I like a lot of Pertwee, for whatever reason... seems more sci-fi to me.

Caves of Androzani and Seeds of Doom are two of my favorite Doctor Who stories, if you don't have them yet. I think McCoy's final season is surprisingly good compared to the 5 years of mostly shite that came before it. Ghost Light and Curse of Fenric are especially entertaining for me. Ghost Light really requires a lot of thought to understand, though.

And my favorite Doctor is Patrick Troughton, I love that old Twilight Zone style 60's sci-fi. Every DVD of his is worth getting really, except maybe The Mind Robber.
That is a great story, most of Pertwee's run is just absolutely spectacular, plus he was essentially the "James Bond" Doctor for all intense purposes. There was so much about his time with UNIT that was a joy, and Nick Courtney was always awesome. I can see why you would feel it more sci-fi.

While I am not overly fond of Peter Davison's run (stories wise), there are a few serials I really do like, and Caves of Androzani is most certainly one of them. I cannot remember if I've ever seen Seeds of Doom, but I will most certainly look it up and I don't have it I'll grab a copy. I love McCoy's Doctor, especially with his charisma and darker nature, for all the grief I have given JNT, he did strike a lot of home runs with the 7th Doctor. I agree with you with exception of Trial of a Time Lord, I thought the story was rather good, and I thought Colin Baker did a fantastic job in them. Ghost Light and Curse of Fenric I do have and I agree those are really good episodes. You really see such a wonderful dynamic between Ace and the Doctor, almost a father/daughter situation, and so much more enjoyable to watch than the Doctor and Susan. Well Ghost Light was originally supposed to be Lungbarrow (prior to the novel) if I'm not mistaken, which was going to be a complex story in, and of itself.

While he is not my absolute favourite, Troughton is one of my favourites, and one of the first attempts at making a complex and "darker" Doctor. His portrayal was absolutely a delight, and I always love watching any episode that features him, even post tenure. I agree pretty much every DVD of his run is worth acquiring, I don't have many, but I do have the War Games around here somewhere, which was one of my favourites.
BoxOfSnoo: Oh and I hope they don't regenerate into a female doctor, because I'm positive it would be just a gimmick. Totally unnecessary baggage for the story.

StingingVelvet: Caves of Androzani and Seeds of Doom are two of my favorite Doctor Who stories, if you don't have them yet.
BoxOfSnoo: Ahh, I remember Seeds of Doom. I enjoyed that... and I seem to remember enjoying "Timelash" quite a bit.
I am sure that likely won't happen, and that isn't a slight on a woman in the role, but the canon not being taken into account, it would cause too much of a fan backlash (enough that it would be problematic) that they would probably not want to risk destroying the popularity of the show. I think if they REALLY want to have a female Time Lord in the show they should either bring back Jenny, Romana, Susan, or even possibly release the Time Lords from the lock and they open up the flood gates to a variety of new characters. Mind you this is just my opinion, and by no means should or should not be done. :)
Post edited June 03, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
Theta_Sigma: I am sure that likely won't happen, and that isn't a slight on a woman in the role, but the canon not being taken into account, it would cause too much of a fan backlash (enough that it would be problematic) that they would probably not want to risk destroying the popularity of the show. I think if they REALLY want to have a female Time Lord in the show they should either bring back Jenny, Romana, Susan, or even possibly release the Time Lords from the lock and they open up the flood gates to a variety of new characters. Mind you this is just my opinion, and by no means should or should not be done. :)
Honestly, I think a female Doctor would be very interesting with the right actress in the role, but I doubt it would happen. Too much backlash from fans, and many would probably see it as gimiky and a ratings grab. Too risky.

I do wish they'd bring Susan back, or drop some hints as to what happened to her. Jenny too. Return of the Time Lords would be nice too. Classic who had some great stories involving other Time Lords, and there's potential for many more there.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by DireRabbit
Theta_Sigma: While I am not overly fond of Peter Davison's run (stories wise), there are a few serials I really do like, and Caves of Androzani is most certainly one of them. I cannot remember if I've ever seen Seeds of Doom, but I will most certainly look it up and I don't have it I'll grab a copy.
Davison just played it too straight, didn't he? He was kind of boring because of that, I think. Androzani, The Visitation and Earthshock are ones I like of his. I have a few I haven't watched yet, like Frontios and Awakening.

Check out Seeds of Doom, it's my favorite Tom Baker story so far.
This is very surprising since it seemed he'd be in the show in 2014. I don't even know who would make a great 12th Doctor.

Now that John Hurt's in it as possibly the 13th Doctor, I don't know where this is going. Perhaps a red TARDIS....
Theta_Sigma: I am sure that likely won't happen, and that isn't a slight on a woman in the role, but the canon not being taken into account, it would cause too much of a fan backlash (enough that it would be problematic) that they would probably not want to risk destroying the popularity of the show. I think if they REALLY want to have a female Time Lord in the show they should either bring back Jenny, Romana, Susan, or even possibly release the Time Lords from the lock and they open up the flood gates to a variety of new characters. Mind you this is just my opinion, and by no means should or should not be done. :)
DireRabbit: Honestly, I think a female Doctor would be very interesting with the right actress in the role, but I doubt it would happen. Too much backlash from fans, and many would probably see it as gimiky and a ratings grab. Too risky.

I do wish they'd bring Susan back, or drop some hints as to what happened to her. Jenny too. Return of the Time Lords would be nice too. Classic who had some great stories involving other Time Lords, and there's potential for many more there.
Exactly, but fan backlash not withstanding, and even with a talented actress in the role; it would take a great amount of effort and push for fans (or at least the vast majority) to accept such a dramatic change. And, as you've said, it could be looked upon poorly/misinterpreted which could cause a lot of problems amongst many fans. Sometimes the risk is not worth the reward.

I would love to see Susan come back, and it would make for an interesting dynamic between her and a current Doctors. As much as regeneration is a part of Time Lord physiology, they could write some minor animosity between the two as the First was the only Doctor she ever known and could show some sorrow over his incarnation being long gone, but also conflicted with knowing that it's still her grandfather. That could lead to some awesome character development, in my opinion.

Seeing Jenny make a return would be nice too, since for all intents and purposes she IS a Time Lady and it could lead to her wanting to learn more of her heritage. Which could lead to the next thing, the return of the Time Lords, I agree a great many stories dealt with others of his species and there is so much which can be done. Like the imprisoning of Rassilon as part of them trying to make amends for their transgressions with the Time War. This could also lead to Rassilon taking a more ominous and even Black Guardian-ish type looming threat. I have a tonne of ideas in my head of things I'd love to see them try. So much potential that they can explore.
Theta_Sigma: While I am not overly fond of Peter Davison's run (stories wise), there are a few serials I really do like, and Caves of Androzani is most certainly one of them. I cannot remember if I've ever seen Seeds of Doom, but I will most certainly look it up and I don't have it I'll grab a copy.
StingingVelvet: Davison just played it too straight, didn't he? He was kind of boring because of that, I think. Androzani, The Visitation and Earthshock are ones I like of his. I have a few I haven't watched yet, like Frontios and Awakening.

Check out Seeds of Doom, it's my favorite Tom Baker story so far.
More or less yeah, I respect Davison, and I did like much of his Doctor. However, there is a lot more they could have done with his incarnation that they never got into. I don't really blame Davison for the problems, much in the same way I think of David Tennant, it was more due to bad writing than their own faults and foibles, which lead to my own personal dislikes.

I looked through my collection, and it appears I have not purchased Seeds of Doom. So I think that is the next one I am going to look into getting I think. I love pretty much most of Tom Baker's work and I am sure I will enjoy that story. While my favourite is probably Genesis of the Daleks, I always look forward to seeing stories I don't remember/may enjoy more. Thank you for the suggestion. :)
Post edited June 03, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
Huge parts of the 1960s Dr Who seasons were lost in the BBC fires. BUT I have seen fans selling compiled versions of the entire series up to Smith, though those lost episodes are reconstituted bits of audio dubs, and photo stills. But there is no other choice.

I bought the Hartnell Years box set from Amazon. Watched the pilot a few years ago. He was so different then, he hadn't lost his mind in 'Waters of Mars" yet. I loved what Chris and David brought to the series.

tinyE mentioned Pete Townsend, that would be interesting and the second time he'd be playing the role of someone who lived a very long time....

Theta_Sigma: I looked through my collection, and it appears I have not purchased Seeds of Doom. So I think that is the next one I am going to look into getting I think. I love pretty much most of Tom Baker's work and I am sure I will enjoy that story. While my favourite is probably Genesis of the Daleks, I always look forward to seeing stories I don't remember/may enjoy more. Thank you for the suggestion. :)
It's a good one. All on Earth, but still really sci-fi and with some great Tom Baker moments. Genesis of the Daleks and Talons of Wen-Chiang would be another two of his I love, and Fang Rock. I have a lot of Baker left to buy though, as I mainly focused on Pertwee and Davison at first for whatever reason.
Theta_Sigma: Exactly, but fan backlash not withstanding, and even with a talented actress in the role; it would take a great amount of effort and push for fans (or at least the vast majority) to accept such a dramatic change. And, as you've said, it could be looked upon poorly/misinterpreted which could cause a lot of problems amongst many fans. Sometimes the risk is not worth the reward.

I would love to see Susan come back, and it would make for an interesting dynamic between her and a current Doctors. As much as regeneration is a part of Time Lord physiology, they could write some minor animosity between the two as the First was the only Doctor she ever known and could show some sorrow over his incarnation being long gone, but also conflicted with knowing that it's still her grandfather. That could lead to some awesome character development, in my opinion.

Seeing Jenny make a return would be nice too, since for all intents and purposes she IS a Time Lady and it could lead to her wanting to learn more of her heritage. Which could lead to the next thing, the return of the Time Lords, I agree a great many stories dealt with others of his species and there is so much which can be done. Like the imprisoning of Rassilon as part of them trying to make amends for their transgressions with the Time War. This could also lead to Rassilon taking a more ominous and even Black Guardian-ish type looming threat. I have a tonne of ideas in my head of things I'd love to see them try. So much potential that they can explore.
Many of my thoughts exactly! :D Another thing with Susan that could be brought up are her parents. Where are they? The Doctor obviously had a son/daughter, what happend there that resulted in him leaving Gallifrey with her?

One thing I want to see if they start brining back the Time Lords is the Valeyard. Been fascinated with that character since his introduction, and want more. I'm wondering if John Hurt's Doctor is a lead in to the Valeyard, but I got the feeling that he's a past incarnation. Going to keep hoping for the return of the Valeyard.