dr.zli: On PC, Mass Effect will include Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station on disk.
Only Bring is free and if you have on steam you have open a ticket so you can have the dlc cd key.
For Pinnacle:
http://store2.origin.com/store/eaemea/pt_PT/pd/productID.152041300/sac.true As for ME 2 and 3 dlc :
Lair of the Shadow Broker
I Liked the story(Liara got a lead against Shadow Broker), you have car chase and 2 unique bosses battles.
The atmosfere,the boss battle and the final choice.
Only if you want to understand the begin of ME3.For me the only good thing about this dlc was the gaunlet.
The dlc is short, have a boss battle, an op SMG and a new squadmate which teleports behind an enemy which is good against heavy mechs because turn their backs to you.Sort of meh.
Mass Effect 3 (Origin)
For me this was prime example of a dlc i wouldnt buy(but i did) video glitches,dull, 2 new enemies( 1 of them was a waste because it have the most unique ability and bioware could done something great with it instead its a generic enemy),a stupid(personally the worst even beat the ME 2 last boss) "boss" battle which again Bioware again wasted opportunity (due Aria and Kai Leng history could been a fight between them 2).The only good thing is female Turian but she isnt with you all the time.
Yes the boss battle alone worth the money(try Sentinel past hardcore(forgot the name) mode.Its a fan service dlc regardless it adds the amusing banter with all and between MEs squadmates, most enemies are reskin cereberus(though only 1 comes mind with a new thing) and Wrex as squadmate and almost forgot an arena pretty much like Pinnacle Station but you can pick up squadmates,enemies and " buffs and debuffs" to make harder/easier(there are mission related to arena which requires specific combinations) and new weapons.
The down side are the dlc appears only after attack on citadel by cerebus which means Thane and Mordin are dead(though they left a memento) and the most important thing:in order for any previous squadmate to appear and Tali , you have to do their sidequest/Quarian/Geth and its best(personally) do this dlc before assaulting cerebus station because by that time you unlocked Miranda path.
From Ashes
Pretty much like Kasumi dlc, new weapon, new squadmate and some funny banter.MEH.
For me this is a mix MEH and dont care.Beats Omega in dullness.
Myself got all dlc(not the weapon and costume)eventually just for all the experience.