chautemoc: A patch is most practical. Kinda late for GOTY edition. ;)
For 10 years from now: crack.
If they released a patch that would also be fine I could burn it to a cd along with the normal patches and put it in the mass effect dvd case. I guess the crack is kind of an option though giving them money tells them this kind of DRM is acceptable.
bansama: In ten years time if you still really think you're going to want to play ME, chances are it'll either be sold here or the dependency on authentication servers would have been removed. Chances are also good mind, that current systems (at that time) wouldn't even be able to play it anyhow.
The point is, why worry about it and let that stop you from purchasing something you'd like now? Even games without DRM right now will become uninstallable at some point in the future when hardware/OSes stop supporting it.
I personally collect games, I have a fairly extensive collection now and I have a couple old computers in storage should I ever feel like playing an old game that doesn't work on a modern system. I'm probably in a very small minority of gamers in this case but I have the capability of playing these old games as long as they install.
I don't know if ME is a game I want to play in 10 years time but if I do any they didn't bother to patch out the activation requirement and the servers are no longer running I have a disc I can do nothing with. Maybe I should just give in buy the game because I have wanted to try it sinse 2007 and just "obtain" a second copy with no activation limits burn it to a disc and store it alongside my first copy. Just incase I have that urge to play in 10 years time.