Miaghstir: I liked the elevator trips, sure it was mostly because of the random dialogue, but it was a relaxing point in between everything that had to be done.
Gundato: The elevator trips are relaxing and fun the first time through the game.
After that, they mean I don't go back to the Citadel until AFTER the Krogran-factory go boom :p
I, on the other hand, rode the elevators several times with different characters because I wanted to hear what they discussed.
They could at least have had a switch for "loading screens=miss dialogue/elevator rides=longer wait".
ilves: Haven't picked this up yet (but will eventually), but they got rid of the armors????? You mean I can't dress people up in ridiculous bright orange Quarian armor anymore? That sucks.
I haven't installed and loaded up the game yet, but from what I gather, instead it's that you chose a single armor that everyone will wear, same with ammo/weapon upgrades.