captfitz: Switched my Shepard to Vanguard right away, awesome class.
This game is incredible. If you like a good story, play Mass Effect 2. And the combat is actually sort of addicting this time around, you really feel the impacts now. Plus, the interface is a LOT better.
I'm more in awe of the first hour of this game than the entirety of the vast majority of games I've tried in my 20 years.
michaelleung: You'll say that about Mass Effect 3.
God I hope so. Because if Bioware keeps this up, I might very well cream my pants at the mere mention of ME3.
But yeah, ME2 is just another step on Bioware's path to RPG godhood.
Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 were all about the intriguing story.
Neverwinter Nights brought more personalized gameplay to the table, in that we began to focus mostly on a single character.
KOTOR brought back the party, and showed that they can do guns :p
ME1 brought the meaningful and semi-thought provoking decisions to the table.
Dragon Age brought the "Oh my god, this is so freaking awesome"
And ME2 is one of the few games to ever leave me awestruck upon walking through a doorway.
I'll admit, I prefer the cover system from ME1. While it is nice to not go into auto-cover every time I walk up against a wall, I find that I pretty much want to be in cover any time I walk against a wall anyway.
And yeah, everyone should Vanguard up. Shotguns + Super-Psyker-Tackle = Awesome