Elmofongo: You wanna know what I really miss in the old days of 1990s to 2005:
Not that much hate in video game companies oh yeah there were fuck up moments by EA and others but it was not Constant and everywhere.
Now one single mention of said company and people spew vitoral.
Everyone hates Nintendo, everyone hates Activision, everyone hates Ubisoft, everyone hates EA, everyone hates Capcom, everyone almost hates Konami, (people here) does not like Valve, everyone does not like Crytek, people don't like Epic games and Id Software, everyone hates Bioware now, Everyone hates Blizzard, Now people are starting to not like DICE anymore because of their recent handling of Battlefield and almost refusal of making a Mirror's Edge 2.
Though of course the hate is not completely unwarrented there are things that deserves the hate, but I still miss the days where we just we just play games and not going in forums complaining :(
THIS. this is really the only thing that's fundamentally changed in gaming during the last 20 years.
today there is an overwhelmingly negative outlook on all things gaming. every new announcement, every new release is met with what is mostly baseless negativism. gamers' first reaction these days is almost always negative, for no particular reason as far as i can tell.
it used to be different. people welcomed new releases, liked new games and new features. the outlook was - in general - much more positive.
the whole thing has already reached ridiculous proportions. when StarCraft 2 came out, Blizzard was universally acclaimed as the champion of PC gaming. then Diablo 3 came out. first, it's endgame was (rightly) criticised. this eventually resulted in a shitstorm of previously unknown proportions, for no real reason. all of a sudden, all of Diablo 3 was considered shit. but it didn't stop there. now StarCraft 2 had apparently already been shit, and Blizzard itself is now shit.
this is PC gaming 2013. and you wonder why major publishers have been focusing on console development during the last 8 years. we've brought this upon ourselves. today the PC gaming community i utterly unlikable, and nobody is going to develop anything for us as long as it remains this way.