donsanderson: Is it just coincidence that
Humans Must Answer is from su
MOM games?
Very cosmic. ;-)
Momo1991: Wow, and to think there was a saucer shaped cloud over the mountain this morning... First ET is found and now this!
~hides under the bed~
As I said in "Open This Thread", I get the intention and I even applaud the spirit of the "unharvested corners of the field" concept but free-range codes attract bots, lurkers, scammers and trolls. It's sad that we can't have nice things like free-range codes but until we get rid of the infection this forum is suffering from, let's go to human interaction as a means to gift. By making a human answer you - either by posting or PM, you develop relationships. Lurkers will either become part of this community or they'll leave when they see they cannot get free games without actively participating. MAHAYO!