Posted December 18, 2014
high rated
As most of you probably know only too well, the game update situation on GOG is rather dismal.
Despite Judas's efforts on the "what did just update?" thread, we are often left ignorant of what changes, trivial or monumental, have been made to our game installers and our bonuses on our library shelves.
Naturally, I began thinking of a way this could be improved via MaGog. Currently MaGog scans GOG's public servers (catalogue, game pages, etc.) twice daily and collects information, which can then be queried via its search engine. However, MaGog has no access to GOG's private servers, where the game installers and bonuses are stored, and therefore cannot collect information about any changes these may have undergone.
While I don't have access to GOG's private servers, I do have access to my own GOG library. Even though it does not include all of the games on GOG, it does include a sizeable portion (currently more than 800). Theoretically, I could have MaGog log to my account, scan my files, and collect information (e.g. when was a file last changed). This way we would at least have some information about those games I own (e.g. what files were changed/added/removed and when). Not perfect, but better than nothing (which is pretty much what we have now).
To do that, I needed to figure out how one logs to one's account not from a browser, but rather from a software program. I began looking into the lgogdownloader (the Linux GOG downloader) source code to figure out how it logs in, and how I could write something similar in Perl (the language the MaGog scanner is written in). However, after a few hours of experimentation, I gave up without any success.
This is where you can come in.
I need someone to write a function in Perl (5.8.8 or earlier) that, given a GOG email address and password, logs into one's GOG account. From there, I assume I should be able to have MaGog retrieve my library and scan its contents on a daily basis.
If you're up to it, contact me (either here or via PM).
Despite Judas's efforts on the "what did just update?" thread, we are often left ignorant of what changes, trivial or monumental, have been made to our game installers and our bonuses on our library shelves.
Naturally, I began thinking of a way this could be improved via MaGog. Currently MaGog scans GOG's public servers (catalogue, game pages, etc.) twice daily and collects information, which can then be queried via its search engine. However, MaGog has no access to GOG's private servers, where the game installers and bonuses are stored, and therefore cannot collect information about any changes these may have undergone.
While I don't have access to GOG's private servers, I do have access to my own GOG library. Even though it does not include all of the games on GOG, it does include a sizeable portion (currently more than 800). Theoretically, I could have MaGog log to my account, scan my files, and collect information (e.g. when was a file last changed). This way we would at least have some information about those games I own (e.g. what files were changed/added/removed and when). Not perfect, but better than nothing (which is pretty much what we have now).
To do that, I needed to figure out how one logs to one's account not from a browser, but rather from a software program. I began looking into the lgogdownloader (the Linux GOG downloader) source code to figure out how it logs in, and how I could write something similar in Perl (the language the MaGog scanner is written in). However, after a few hours of experimentation, I gave up without any success.
This is where you can come in.
I need someone to write a function in Perl (5.8.8 or earlier) that, given a GOG email address and password, logs into one's GOG account. From there, I assume I should be able to have MaGog retrieve my library and scan its contents on a daily basis.
If you're up to it, contact me (either here or via PM).
This question / problem has been solved by Sude