Shaolin_sKunk: Related: I built an actual deck using the old Shards of Alara cards I had laying around last week. Then I made myself sad with the realization I had no one to play with.
Major money sink, though, so I have no interest in getting back into it full force. One of the formats they suggest playing in their basic rulebook is buying 6 booster packs and building a deck using just those cards. Oh, yeah, that sounds like a
great way to hand over 24 bucks per player for a single game; you can get the 2014 game on Steam for
five people (9.99 US/ea) for about the same price as a two player "sealed-deck" game.
If I want to play with cards I'll probably grab Dominion or some other deck-building board game and play Magic on the much cheaper video game versions.
Well, yeah, but I guess the point is, if you're GOING to buy 6 boosters of the cards for constructed then sealed lets you make a game out of opening them...
I have DotP 2013, it is very good, have not played the other 2 years though