Posted September 08, 2012
This has been a topic I have thought about for a while but have rarely seen disused. I understand that its mostly taste and what people want out of their world but still...
Why does magic in a lot of games rarely have an effect on the world as a whole?
What I mean by this is in worlds that have common knowledge in magics without any serious restrictions on magic, like in Dragon age where people are fearful of mages and magic in general, does it seem to have such little impact in peoples lives? Sure maybe you get a healer in a town using magic but usually thats it. You never see magic being used to help people grow crops in harsh conditions? Using summoned creatures to help build towns? Armies or kings using people who can instantly telaport to deliver vital information or supplies to people. Maybe I just like the little touches in game worlds but I feel that it sort of limits the world when only a handful of people know how to do anything magical and all of them sit in towers and study or adventure.
Is it just to make mages and more importantly magic unique and special in their world? Sadly I do think in a lot of games at least thats a good part of it. Not everybody should know spells but in a world where technology mostly is staled it seems that magic would step in more. I mean most worlds have enchanted items available to most people so why are spells so limited to the public? Again this all in a world where magic is not really limited.
So am I the only one who thinks about this or do others feel the same way? Would this make the game world more interesting or not really matter to you? Would it make magic just another tool and lose its charm? Please discuss!
Why does magic in a lot of games rarely have an effect on the world as a whole?
What I mean by this is in worlds that have common knowledge in magics without any serious restrictions on magic, like in Dragon age where people are fearful of mages and magic in general, does it seem to have such little impact in peoples lives? Sure maybe you get a healer in a town using magic but usually thats it. You never see magic being used to help people grow crops in harsh conditions? Using summoned creatures to help build towns? Armies or kings using people who can instantly telaport to deliver vital information or supplies to people. Maybe I just like the little touches in game worlds but I feel that it sort of limits the world when only a handful of people know how to do anything magical and all of them sit in towers and study or adventure.
Is it just to make mages and more importantly magic unique and special in their world? Sadly I do think in a lot of games at least thats a good part of it. Not everybody should know spells but in a world where technology mostly is staled it seems that magic would step in more. I mean most worlds have enchanted items available to most people so why are spells so limited to the public? Again this all in a world where magic is not really limited.
So am I the only one who thinks about this or do others feel the same way? Would this make the game world more interesting or not really matter to you? Would it make magic just another tool and lose its charm? Please discuss!