SirPrimalform: OOC: Hey guys, been having trouble posting since the Christmas sales started but everything seems to be working now. I wake up from fevered dreams which for some reason featured the number '404' prominently. Must have passed out I suppose...
examine the general area of the patio. Walking onto the patio after Nickel(Profanity), you see him sitting on a bench holding something....looking closely you see it's a pack of smokes. "Lucky git" you think to yourself. "Must be the pack Charlie(guard orderly) lost last week."
"Oh well, we can't all be lucky I suppose." you mumble as you look around. The area itself is an enclosed outdoor space on the second floor of the Miskatonic Healing Center, used by patients and staff alike during their free time to get away from it all. Benches line the north and south sides of the area, and a 4 foot tall statue of the center's founder stands at the far(west)'s face craned toward a (stone)book held in one hand. Below it on a small base is a bronze plaque covered in the discoloration age brings.
Around the area itself is a very solid and imposing(and un-climbable)fence covered in dense shrubbery and other foliage.....made of wrought iron and covered in wire mesh, it extends to the sky above in seemingly endless abandon.
In one corner(NW corner) you see the dead animal remains, wondering briefly just what the hell is going on here as you turn from it and scratch your chin in thought.
(Statue added to dayroom map in a sec)
Rodzaju: Indeed I did.
Upon examining the blade, do I find any blood or rust stains?
Or flecks of scale, or.....?
It's just an ordinary knife. Most times when you search a room or room area for
items you just get an ordinary and helpful(sometimes) but clue-free utility item.
You can use it in any way you see fit(barring killing someone off or escaping the room, lol).