JoeSapphire: "Yeah man. Gotta make sure Charlie's okay. Come on - let's
search supply closet for items and investigate them lockers."
Following Staines lead you follow behind him into the bathrooms, eyeing the now deceased spider creature on the burnt ceiling with a bit of pride mixed with some nervousness. Several of the lights that were on before now blink on and off, possibly due to a short somewhere caused by the fire and ensuing stream of water. Only the lights nearest the doors(to the Bunkroom/hallway, and the door to the supply closet) seem to be working with any degree of regularity....the rest are either burnt out or close to it.
"I sure hope there aren't any more of them things around here." you think to yourself as you and Staines approach the supply closet once more, the sound of your shoes hitting against the wet floor echoing lightly all around you.
"I'll go inside first and make sure everything is being ok." you tell Staines, as he nods and waits outside. Entering, you look around the room carefully...luckily for you, the light inside seems to be working & the fire didn't seem to reach into the closet itself beyond some scorch marks at the top of the doorway.
At the northern end of the room next to some blood stains left by Charlie, you notice two shelves full of cleaning supplies. Searching them you find the usual.....toilet paper and paper towels on one shelf, glass cleaner and bleach on another, liquid soap refills and toilet bowl pucks(those disinfecting pucks that turn the water blue) on yet another shelf...etc. There is also a small box of cleaning tools(plunger, squeegee, mop, broom, etc) right next to the doorway, but nothing seems useful to you there either.
Set against the west and east walls are the janitorial lockers.
"Hmm, I wonder what nice things I can borrow from them?" you wonder as you try opening them. Sadly they are both locked. Looks like you'll need Staines's help on this one.
Looking around one last time before calling Staines into the room to unlock the lockers, you notice something shiny near the trash can in the SE corner of the room. Bending over to pick it up, you find a heavy looking key labelled
"Bunkroom Guard Station Master Key" covered in bloody fingerprints. "Now we are getting somewhere, but oh my this blood all over the place will never do." you say to yourself as you begin wiping it off with a napkin from your pocket. Once it is reasonably clean you put the key away before tossing the napkin in the trash and calling Staines into the room to show him what you found.
OOC: To search the lockers(if you choose to) Staines must bold an action to unlock the lockers with the key he now holds. Your call on whether or not you guys want to go that route however, especially with the other key you found and all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Barnell: Thanking the gods that I wasn’t involved in the spider war I decide to pull a Tom Cruise and stay in the closet and
search the hamper and dirty clothing As you've been relaxing in the Bunkroom closet you've been keeping an eye on the goings on out in the Bunkroom as best you can. People searching their own rooms and the rooms of others with a frantic harried pace, the discovery of Charlie the Orderly, the others discussing their frantic battle with a spider-like nasty in the bathrooms and the ensuing all makes you a bit glad you stayed out of the way in some ways.
"Meh, let them get bitten and scratched and gnawed to death. I am safe and secure in here......right?" as you wonder just HOW safe your current accommodations are you look around for any signs of danger. Seeing none that are apparent to your senses at the current time, you decide to make use of your time a bit better by searching the room you are in.
"Hmm.....maybe I can find something useful.....before the others start poking around in here & claim everything they can find for themselves anyways." you think as your eyes focus on the nearby hamper for some reason.
Searching through it you find the usual....stained and dirty patient clothing, socks, and undergarments, as well as guard uniforms & patient bedding. Sorting through it(and checking all the pockets you can find.) you find nothing of note sadly. You feel a bit unclean though after poking through it all as well.
"Well this sucks." you say to yourself as you wonder what to check(or do) next.