PoSSeSSeDCoW: So Playboy itself admitting that people viewing it's content as pornographic have a valid claim isn't meaningless? Honestly, you're so busy trying to stereotype me that you're avoiding my evidence.
I have no idea what US playboy said but european version would never claim that. They are men's magazine and associating with pornography would surely damage their sales.
Nudity is not pornography. When you go to art gallery and see paintings of naked woman. are they porno? what about pictures? are they porno too? There was once a gallery of some famous photgrapher (woman). full of naked women and men. was it porno?
Like i said:
you yankees are weird. A boob shows up on national tv and people make a big deal out of it.
nudity =/= pornography.
Gaming is a men's club. How would you feel if 95% of the games on the market, and 99% of the good games, actively went out of their way to make sure you felt objectified and insulted while playing the game?
You are blaming the fallings of whole industry on one game? Listen to yourself.
Game is about gangsters in 50s.
50s were men's world. Women in kitchen and all of that. Mafia 2 aims for realism so no strong female protogonist but men in dirty underwear, being sexists and looking at naked pin up girls.
There is nothing wrong with a game being targated only at one sex. Do you blame sex in the city 2 for not being fun for you (or for majority of men)?
I'm posing a hypothetical about the gay pornography. I'm asking you to put yourself in a woman's shoes. Is that too much to ask?
it is a weird thing to ask. Gay magazines were not part of gangster's culture were they?
To go into Poe's law territory, how would you feel about a game that had a bonus mini-game where you were a Nazi in a concentration camp in which you attempted to find the fastest way to execute Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, and all the other groups Hitler went out of his way to slaughter. Or a mini-game in which you brutally rape, torture, and execute someone. I realize this is orders of magnitude more severe than what is present in Mafia 2, but I'm addressing your point directly. I mean, it's just a bonus, right? You don't
have to do it, right? Or would its presence put a bitter taste in your mouth about the whole game?
Bonus? yes. but how does it fit with the theme of the game?
If it was WW2 game ala HoI3 then having concentration camps is more than appropirate. I am still angry at empire: total war not having slavery or Fallout 3 not having killable children.
And no. it is not to satisfy a weird fetish of mine but appropirate applications of morally wrong things which expands the game and depthens the experience
and again for god's sake: Like them pick them up. don't like them. avoid! It just nude pictures.