michaelleung: GTA games of old had fun cars to drive. I didn't expect it to be GTA, I expected the gameplay to be good anyway. And since driving is about 80% of the time...
Nope, you're not driving 80% of the time. Actually I'll take Mafia's driving anytime, it feels better than GTA, the starting cars are slow but once you get the mid-game or late-game cars it's awesome. And the racing ones drive like a beast. And manual gear ftw too. :D
drmlessgames: What a coincidence, I had just been playing Mafia since Monday, and today I finally uninstalled it. After playing GTA I can't stand playing this. The driving is slow, going uphill is a chore. Making realistic at the expense on fun is not good imo. The city was great though, i think i may try it again only for the Freeride thing, where it's like GTA, just run around, shoot gansters, steal cars and such. It's interesting that the city in Mafia does look like something from GTA IV, and Mafia was made back during the gta3 era. Oh, and at one point, while driving, i fell off the map. Yes, the car fell off the damn street and into a pit. That's why i uninstalled it.
I take Mafia over GTA anytime, Mafia's kinda like an epic masterpiece to me while GTA is just another game, my fav GTA Vice City comes close to epicness but not to Mafia's level. I love the driving in Mafia too. You need to play it for the story then, else you're missing alot.