eyeball226: He may be lawling because you don't have to start up DOTT to play the version of MM that's included with it. It's just there in it's own folder within the DOTT folder. I think they may have changed the extension of the .exe, but all you have to do is change it back.
He does seem to more then a little of a fanatic on this issue.
Allyou have to is rename the maniac OVL file in the Maniac Folder in DOTT to maniac .exe and it runs great with DOS BOX or Scummv.
eyeball226: Unless GOG were to do it as a MM+DOTT pack?
Since Maniac is included with DOTT, and it is a simple matter of renaming the Maniac .ovl file in the Maniac Folder in DOTT to Maniac.exe to run it without having to play DOTT, I think that is silly. I don't see why GOG should go to any pains just to satisfy one over the top obssesed fanboy.