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Holy cow, LucasArts is hitting on all cylinders as of recent.
Here's what was said on the LA Twitter page:
"Plane is taking off shortly - but for you online, be ready for a great digital announcement tomorrow!"
Yeah, now that we've seen Steam & VC announcements, what's the announcement THIS time?
Don't predict anything too epic after last time. But I bet another game will get a makeover at some point.
Monkey Island on GOG.
TheJoe: Monkey Island on GOG.

PSN store and Xbox arcade probably have higher priority.
TheJoe: Monkey Island on GOG.
Miaghstir: PSN store and Xbox arcade probably have higher priority.

^^This. First one was games on Steam, second was games on Wii VC, third is likely to be PSN and/or Xbox Live. Its pretty much the only thing that would make any sense. After they get the start of their catalog up on all the respective DD service majors, then it is more likely that we will see announcements more games added, more games updated, minor services like GOG added (okay, so that one is more like a wish than something likely to happen).
Lucasarts on GOG or GTFO.
Yoda Stories MMO?
Gah. If it's not GOG this time, I'm going to be even more annoyed with them.
*Panthro shakes fist in general direction of George Lucas
I mean, they have this catalogue of good old games, and they won't let GOG at them? Madness!
Sometimes the world feels topsy-turvy.
All this talk has made me want some old-timey point-and-clicky, so I'm off to play Time Gentlemen, Please!
ElPixelIlustre: Lucasarts on GOG or GTFO.

At best we can hope for something PC related. Or at least something that supports PC also. If it's GOG, I'll be stunned. So will my bank balance.
It just wont be GOG I know it. It would make too much sense for Lucasarts to do it. If they were to release their old catalogue on GOG it would be great for GOG as there would be a massive influx of members and it would be great for Lucasarts as people would be paying good money for games they no longer sell. Thats why Lucasarts wont do it.
Didn't GOG say that they have one or two publisher announcement this September? >_>
Mentalepsy: Yoda Stories MMO?

I have a feeling the big annoucement is this casual starwars MMO as well.
Announcement number 3 will most likely be something as inane as Lucas tying his shoelace while dressed as a pirate.
How appropriate, he ties his shoes like a cow.
I'm betting on more steam releases, I doubt the virtual console releases sold as well due to a smaller user base and the fact the games were so pitiful so I'm laying odds they'll go back to a better cash cow
Maybe a return to classic adventure games policy? My personal desire is to have their catalogue on GOG.