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So... this is the announcement that should have been for GoG, and I'm still hoping that the announcement will come soon...
Just read the other thread about this and realized I'm just repeating what has already been said and that Lucas Arts is not coming to GoG D:
Post edited July 06, 2009 by JonhMan
Stop hoping. It won't :-(
Wishbone: Stop hoping. It won't :-(

Eh, if there's one place on the interwebz where you can hope, it's here.
Trust me... all those hours on Youtube or Gamespot really reinforces that fact.
I have nothing against steam but I was hoping it'd be gog instead.
Maybe they'll get with gog too, have a threesome yeah?
Gog would be better s uited (imo) for classics lilke Fully throttle and such..
I'm sure gog is not left behind... still many games in the catalog, plus in the twitter page they said it was only the beginning.
Plus I has a hinch from my little finger... ;)
So the LA's offering ended up being on Steam? Shame. Won't be getting any then.
DukeNico: I'm sure gog is not left behind... still many games in the catalog, plus in the twitter page they said it was only the beginning.
Plus I has a hinch from my little finger... ;)

Unfortunately it probably only means that they plan to offer rest of their back catalog on Steam eventually.
Post edited July 06, 2009 by Petrell
Speaking as a person who has never had ANY issues with Steam (I've bought and played nine games on it so far; no problems!), I think this is fantastic news! Finally, Monkey Island 1 will be available to me at a reasonable price!
Prator: Speaking as a person who has never had ANY issues with Steam

I think it's not the point. Speaking for me, I don't really care about issues, but more on the DRM side, and the fact that each game bought on Steam is functionning only with it.
DarthKaal: I think it's not the point. Speaking for me, I don't really care about issues, but more on the DRM side, and the fact that each game bought on Steam is functionning only with it.
...So you take issue with Steam's DRM, but you don't care about issues. I believe we may be experiencing a semantics problem, here.
Maybe I should clarify a little. I have no objections to DRM in principle, and I've yet to experience the lagging problems that some past Steam users have described in practice. And since Steam has not caused any other glitches in my games aside from those already present in them, I have nothing to complain about. So if Monkey Island is going to be on Steam, and doesn't cost too much, then I consider it an occasion to celebrate.
I don't like DRM, especially Steam's because I can't play my games offline.
For example, I was planning on playing Empire Total War on a long car ride. So I bring the disk along with me, and when I attempted to play Empire, even with the disk in it tells me I am not able to.
I haven't had any sever issues or anything like that either, but because of the DRM I am not able to play my games offline.
The bigger issue here is if you actually "own" the game or not. With Steam the DRM prevents you from fully "owning" the game as you are not able to play offline and you always have to run the games with the client which can sometimes be a pain if you have a slow internet connection as it is almost impossible to download "needed" updates before playing the game.
DarthKaal: I think it's not the point. Speaking for me, I don't really care about issues, but more on the DRM side, and the fact that each game bought on Steam is functionning only with it.
Prator: ...So you take issue with Steam's DRM, but you don't care about issues. I believe we may be experiencing a semantics problem, here.

I though "issues" in your post were referencing server problems, game glitches and all.
Well, this may be another proof of my poor english...
Prator: I have no objections to DRM in principle

That's good for you. But it's not the case for everyone, especially here. It's easily understandable that many people are disapointed, and will surely wait to see those games elsewhere, in a *safer* place...
Haven't had so much issue with Steam's DRM; even though it sucks not being able to always play it, I am usually connected to the intertubes enough that I don't worry, and I always have lots of other games I can play offline if I should be disconnected.
I think what made me stop buying games from Steam was when they introduced the lovely regional pricings and I dont think I will buy much from there ( not saying never, as there are bound to be some games I can't get elsewhere or that are cheap enough still ).
That being said, it is still great news that LucasArts are re-releasing many of their old classics so that both new and old fans have the ability to play the games that were actually cool! And having been released at one place, one can always hope they will expand to other cool sites, like, at some stage.
All depends on prices but propably i will buy Indiana Jones series games.
Tragic and furious, the clash of the lawyers of the gods! The magic, the power, the software in his valorous hands! Oceans of fire are blasting the throne of the LA demons, and from distance raging GoGers are calling his name, the name of the Artists of Lucas!
For GoG, the site of ancient games! For the holy forum of rep! Gloria! Gloria perpetua! In this dawn of pissed of fans!
I have no doubt that those titles, and indeed eventually the whole LA backlog will find its way to GOG as well someday. At the time being, Steam simply has a much wider user-base and is more well known. There are many titles yet to go, and as they said: this is only the beginning.
Me, I think this is fantastic news, and I'll be picking up the whole lot when it gets on Steam tomorrow, and I will also buy it all again whenever it gets to GOG. :D
Apart from the unfair treatment of all Europeans (and/or all non-Americans?), the only other issue I have with Steam so far, is the whole VAC thing. I mean, I have never cheated in a multiplayer game, and never will, but what if the thing malfunctions, and I one day find my account banned for no reason? From what I hear, banning on Steam is permanent, and my account is a pretty big investment. So far, nothing of the sort has happened, and I really hope it never does.
Post edited July 07, 2009 by Skystrider