Jadefalcon: You realise ilves, that unless a publisher specifically allows it, there's no such thing as abandonware, however frustrating it can be?
Just to clear up what "abandonware"...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abandonware "Definitions of "abandoned" vary; generally, it refers to software no longer available for legal purchase, or of a certain age...
In most cases, software classed as abandonware is not in the public domain, as it has never had its original copyright revoked."
"Abandonware" does no equal legal necessarily. As such it doesn't matter if the company allows it or not, it could still be abandonware. Now if you wanted to download an abandonware title legally, then you would need the companies permission. But that's an issue of copyrights... and a whole other kettle of fish entirely. Oh and those are some good point and cilck choices. I'd be curious to play Sanitarium again at least, and I'd certainly pick up Blade Runner if that ever came out. They'd scratch a bit of a nostalgic itch. But it's LucasFilm/LucasArts that I live for.
But back to the original post, I really hope the old LucasFilm/LucasArts game show up on here eventually. As the library increases I think it may only be a matter of time before LucasArts jumps in. They've already spoken out about looking into porting the PC titles onto the DS but couldn't due to size restrictions. While LucasArts is known for "sitting on their franchises" (as TheCheese33 put it), they only seem to sit on franchises when it comes to creating new games for those franchises. They seem entirely open to the idea of re-selling the old games in the right medium. So I don't think we'll be seeing a new Monkey Island any time soon (unless TellTale nabs it as they did with Sam and Max) I do think they'll be more than happy to re-release old titles once again should they find a reliable way to do so that makes sense to them. GoG.com seems the best option at present. Here's hoping!
TheCheese33: However, I've heard some rumors that the new Indiana Jones Wii game may come with Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis as a bonus, so maybe they're softening up to the idea...
Any links? This sounds WAY too good to be true, but it would give me a great reason to actually buy a game for my Wii. I haven't heard much of anything about the new Indy game by itself none the less a FOA port being bundled in. I would buy it for that alone, and turn my Wii into something other than an expensive red light that collects dust on my entertainment center.