Detlik: VB.NET 2010 through Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2010
wpegg: My top tip for you. Write it in c#, then get some decompiler like "IL spy" or Jet Brains' "dotPeek" to convert it to VB.NET. C# is much easier to learn, has better tooling, more examples, and will stand you in much better stead for a job once you're done with your course.
Its not course, its high school, and I plan on working with C#, but this assignments deadline is progressing at scary rate so I don't think I have time to learn C# (but I might do it for future ones, thanks)
Awesome! The problem is solved.
Public Sub VSouboru(ByVal Diskator As String, ByVal Listboxator As ListBox)
Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(Diskator)
For Each subdir As DirectoryInfo In dir.GetDirectories()
VSouboru(subdir.FullName, Listboxator)
End Sub
I just removed the VSouboru line which caused recursion and now I can browse all file paths with it...all right now just to try my luck with Copy, Move, Delete, Rename, Create folders and files and search bar, and of course the dreaded file editor, and I am all set. Will post questions and my problems as soon as I will have them (therefore very soon)