Mulky: I'm currently playing Deus Ex, if anyone knows of any game on GOG that comes close to it, that would be aces. I'm also kind of thinking maybe an RTS, as I haven't played a quality one of those in years.
What aspect(s) of Deus Ex do you like most? If we know that, maybe we can advise you something more suited for your needs.
Also, in the RTS department, what do you have in mind? A wargame, a business simulator, or something else?
JudasIscariot: I would recommend another game close to my heart in this spot, but I think the forum regulars already know what it is and I do think they get a wee bit tired of prosyletizing about it all day, every day. Just ask them about JudasIscariot's game ...they'll know what you mean :D.
OK, I'll say this for you ;-).
You mihgt wish to try The Guild. It's a "life/dynasty simulator" set in the late Medieval Europe. It's a very addictive, albeit (at times) annoyingly buggy, game.