Petrell: Has anyone suggested Battle of Wesnoth yet? It's free.
Check the first post :P
Fomalhaut30: And many PC releases are also multiplatform releases, showing up on consoles. Typically crappy ports of games that were designed for the console first. Again, I could give a shit about indie games or stuff like Angry Birds/Minecraft/etc.
Why bring up Angry Birds? It was a game that made its fame on smartphones, and then later made its way to PC AND Xbox.
Yes, there are many ports of console games on PC (and there are many bad ports), but there are also far more games that are not ports of console games. And I care about indie. There are plenty of indie games that hold a quality comparable to that of AAA games. And please don't slot all indies into the casual, small, simplistic and/or artsy slot. That is just not a valid thing to do (as you are just cutting yourself of from some amazing games by doing so)
Fomalhaut30: You...don't really know how XBLA and stuff works, do you? You buy the item and download it to your console. It doesn't exist as a cloud-type game. It resides on your console, much like a GOG game does on your harddrive. So long as that console is functioning, you can play the game. You also do not need to be connected to the internet to play them.
I know that you download them to your console. But what happens with the games that you had to remove from your console for one reason or another (lack of space, for an example)? Once the servers goes down, you can't re-download them.
Fomalhaut30: Games also come down quite quickly in price for console ones. They tend to only be at the $60 price point for a few months post-release. And I've noticed that PC ones are now seeming to hit that $60 initial point more and more often.
Quickly but not as quickly, and not to the same low price point. I have a Wii console. Wii games are usually the cheapest ones, both on release, and post release (I've compared, because I have at times pondered if it is worth buying another console), and Wii games are still usually more expensive than PC games of a similar age.
Fomalhaut30: Take a look at some of the Japanese-origin RPGs available on both the PS2 and the PS3 (all the Final Fantasy games barring 11 & 14, Disgaea series, Persona series, Dragon Quest series). You might be surprised, especially if you think stat-heavy games are rare on consoles. I will concede that on the 360, they are somewhat rarer, but things exist like FF13, Blue Dragon, Record of Agarest War/RoAW Zero, Fallout 3 & New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Nier. The Wii even has a few like Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles.
I dislike
most JRPGs (there are exceptions). It is not a genre that is new to me though, I have planed a fare amount of games from it, and they just don't pull me in the same way.
Also, I have experience with both the Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest/warrior series, they don't really compare to games like say Wizardry, Might & Magic or Frayed Knights.
Xenoblade by the way was a big disappointment. Xenogears was a game that I liked, and Xenoblade was promising enough at the start, but it just failed to keep a good story pace, and the second half of the game just dragged. This is a common problem with a lot of JRPGs (though again, there are exceptions).
Fallout 3 & Oblivion are sub-par games out of the box. I would never consider playing them without mods (Oblivion more so than Fallout 3). New Vegas was pretty good, but after having played it modded, I won't go back to playing it unmodded. Why play a good game when you can play a great game? Same with Skyrim, good out of the box, miles better with mods. And none of these really count as stat-heavy.
And was not Nier considered to be pretty bad?
*edit* And for the record, I know of the Japanese Wizardry games
Fomalhaut30: Then you have your titles like Catherine that simply aren't going to be on a PC. That game alone is one of the best, most quirky, hilarious, and story-driven that I've seen in a long time.
Catherine is one of the games that I would be interested in playing, that never made it to PC. There are a few others, though not enough to justify the added expense of buying a console.
Fomalhaut30: I'm sorry, but you sound exactly like a PC-elitist who hasn't really taken the time to ever see what's actually available on a console.
I have, and as I said above, there are several console games that I would be interested in playing (of the top of my head: Metal Gear Solid-series (played up to 2), Catherine, the DS-Castlevanias, Little Big Planet, Fire Emblem for DS, Scribblenauts, Heavy Rain, Tales of Symphonia for Wii (too expensive though), that 2d side scrolling RPG-like game that was made by the same people who made made Muramasa the Daemon blade (forgot its name), the Disgaea series, Killer 7, the Persona series and plenty more that I can't remember right now. The problem is that I just can't justify the added cost of buying these games, and many of them are pretty darn expensive to buy even if you already have the console.
Fomalhaut30: Fiddly bits, again.
And totally worth it. Why play a good game when you, with 10-30min of extra work, can play a great game? (Depending on game and how ambitious you want to be with modding)