Aver: Does KOTOR have interesting characters and is there some kind of interaction with teammates?
Yes and yes. Every character has his own background story but they don't really want to speak about it to a stranger/you. They'll tell you their stories bit by bit so
you have to interact with them throughout the game.
Aver: As I mentioned earlier well developed characters are the most important for me. Even gameplay may sucks ;).
KotOR has some of the best developed characters I've seen so far and the dialogues (and choices) are great. The gameplay is pretty good as well. You have upgradable weapons and armors, a good choice of skills and an adjustable combat system. It's turn based and you can select the events that cause the combat to auto-pause. If you choose not to pause the combat in any situation it can get a little hectic. Feels like a dice rolling third person shooter where you have to control every character... If you choose to pause it for nearly every action it's turning into a relaxed and very tactical combat system.
u2jedi: But KOTOR I and II are fantasy....
Every RPG is "fantasy" except for Sims which isn't a RPG ;-P