Posted January 21, 2010
Mixture of the RPS series of posts on Solium Infernum and the other thread on Strategy Games got me wondering.
Does anyone know of any good 4x games with a fantasy theme and the ability to use magic? Magic as in direct-damage spells/whatever (even if just in the form of an ICBM) or for the traditional Espionage-style thingies of other 4x games. And preferably from pretty early in the game, since non-direct attacks (missiles and the like, for the Civs) tend to be late game, and Espionage sucks until late game in any space 4x (and forever, if your opponents have half a brain :p)
I am preferably looking for something that is available from GoG, Impulse, or Steam (in that order :p), just for convenience. Age isn't too big of an issue, although shiny is always nice :P
Thanks, and a big shiny Answer-flag to whoever gives me something that looks fun first.
Does anyone know of any good 4x games with a fantasy theme and the ability to use magic? Magic as in direct-damage spells/whatever (even if just in the form of an ICBM) or for the traditional Espionage-style thingies of other 4x games. And preferably from pretty early in the game, since non-direct attacks (missiles and the like, for the Civs) tend to be late game, and Espionage sucks until late game in any space 4x (and forever, if your opponents have half a brain :p)
I am preferably looking for something that is available from GoG, Impulse, or Steam (in that order :p), just for convenience. Age isn't too big of an issue, although shiny is always nice :P
Thanks, and a big shiny Answer-flag to whoever gives me something that looks fun first.
This question / problem has been solved by BladderOfDoom