Posted May 30, 2012
high rated
I'm not sure how to deal with this thread, so I'm going to wing it and see what happens. I hope it will resonate with some GoG'ers who might secretly be feeling the same way I am.
I'm a socially awkward, introverted probably misanthropic gamer. I have zero IRL friends. There, I said it. I don't care, I don't have any shame anymore. The more pathetic thing is, I don't even really have any online friends. The ones I had became distant and I fell off their radar.
In my own defense, I don't think it's because I'm a bad person. I can hold a conversation, I used to chat with a few co-workers back when I actually worked. I can be open minded and nonjudgmental, I can make myself presentable. I'm just damaged, damaged by people, by circumstances, probably my own stupidity.
Sometimes I'll play a multiplayer game just to know that on some superficial level, I'm actually interacting with other humans. I can't find a job, I live with my parents, it's not easy, but I'm very grateful for that. If I didn't have their support, I don't want to think about where I'd be right now.
At some point, I know I probably have to open up to people in meatspace. I have to "come out of my shell", I have to try to find a friend. I have to kill my insecurities somehow, get past the emotional baggage I know I carry, I used to deny these things, until my loneliness forced me to confront this fact. It wasn't as hard as I thought to realize this, the harder part is actually doing something about it.
I'm not agoraphobic, I can leave my house, there's just nowhere to go. I live in a boring, ho hum town on the outskirts of a decaying city, wracked by violence, poverty and urban blight. There's nothing here but suburbs and businesses and rotting infrastructure.
It's like, cities and towns today are designed to favor people who spend. Public places are almost nonexistent. If you can't afford to drive around incessantly and patronize business establishments, it's like being a second class citizen. My only hope is the fact that I'm going back to college...again (a sob story for another time perhaps) I pray maybe I'll find one person I can connect with. Just one person, I can shoot the crap with, talk about a game or movie or something, anything.
Loneliness and social isolation will eat away at your soul, it will keep you up at night. You will question reality, your sanity, you will lose your humanity. I know. I don't care how introverted you are, I don't care if you're a certified sociopath. If you are remotely human, you can only hold out for so long without meaningful contact of some kind.
If you have friends, even a-hole friends, try to keep them. I'm not talking about facebook "friends", either. I had IRL friends once, and even though they pissed me off and I had to distance myself from them, I remember bitter sweetly the better times we used to have. That's another side effect of loneliness, nostalgic heartaches that make you wish you could go back in time.
The most horrific thing is when I look out my window, and all I see are other houses. I'm surrounded by houses that block me in and make me feel suffocated. They're like prison bars, wrapping me up in my own place. I can step out, I can go down my driveway, I can walk down my street, but I'm still hemmed in by other people's property. I hate the suburbs, even the city would be better. There's life in the city. A neighborhood in the middle of the day when everyone is at work, and their cars are gone, makes you feel like you're the last one left on Earth ( I wish hehe ). Its' creepy.
If there any gaming groups out there, clans, clubs, guilds, whatever, maybe I can join you. I keep trying, but I can't believe how hard it is to get in with an online gaming group. I used to run my own MMO guilds in better days, not to brag, but I knew how to get crap done and get organized. I don't even have the willpower for it anymore. That's another thing I forgot to mention, how loneliness and tedium can drain your will.
I've probably divulged way more about my life than I should have, even with the anonymity of the internet. But if you take me into your group, we can leave this conversation here. I don't have to whine or complain, or cry on anyone's shoulder, cause I know there are people who have it a hell of a lot worse than me.
I'm not half bad at Team Fortress 2, I'm waiting (quite impatiently) for Torchlight 2, I'm learning how to play chess, I have too many multiplayer games to think of right now and I'm too tired. Just tell me what you play, give me a chance, help me not waste my last summer before I have to go back to college so I can hopefully finally make something out of this mess of a life, thanks for listening.
I'm a socially awkward, introverted probably misanthropic gamer. I have zero IRL friends. There, I said it. I don't care, I don't have any shame anymore. The more pathetic thing is, I don't even really have any online friends. The ones I had became distant and I fell off their radar.
In my own defense, I don't think it's because I'm a bad person. I can hold a conversation, I used to chat with a few co-workers back when I actually worked. I can be open minded and nonjudgmental, I can make myself presentable. I'm just damaged, damaged by people, by circumstances, probably my own stupidity.
Sometimes I'll play a multiplayer game just to know that on some superficial level, I'm actually interacting with other humans. I can't find a job, I live with my parents, it's not easy, but I'm very grateful for that. If I didn't have their support, I don't want to think about where I'd be right now.
At some point, I know I probably have to open up to people in meatspace. I have to "come out of my shell", I have to try to find a friend. I have to kill my insecurities somehow, get past the emotional baggage I know I carry, I used to deny these things, until my loneliness forced me to confront this fact. It wasn't as hard as I thought to realize this, the harder part is actually doing something about it.
I'm not agoraphobic, I can leave my house, there's just nowhere to go. I live in a boring, ho hum town on the outskirts of a decaying city, wracked by violence, poverty and urban blight. There's nothing here but suburbs and businesses and rotting infrastructure.
It's like, cities and towns today are designed to favor people who spend. Public places are almost nonexistent. If you can't afford to drive around incessantly and patronize business establishments, it's like being a second class citizen. My only hope is the fact that I'm going back to college...again (a sob story for another time perhaps) I pray maybe I'll find one person I can connect with. Just one person, I can shoot the crap with, talk about a game or movie or something, anything.
Loneliness and social isolation will eat away at your soul, it will keep you up at night. You will question reality, your sanity, you will lose your humanity. I know. I don't care how introverted you are, I don't care if you're a certified sociopath. If you are remotely human, you can only hold out for so long without meaningful contact of some kind.
If you have friends, even a-hole friends, try to keep them. I'm not talking about facebook "friends", either. I had IRL friends once, and even though they pissed me off and I had to distance myself from them, I remember bitter sweetly the better times we used to have. That's another side effect of loneliness, nostalgic heartaches that make you wish you could go back in time.
The most horrific thing is when I look out my window, and all I see are other houses. I'm surrounded by houses that block me in and make me feel suffocated. They're like prison bars, wrapping me up in my own place. I can step out, I can go down my driveway, I can walk down my street, but I'm still hemmed in by other people's property. I hate the suburbs, even the city would be better. There's life in the city. A neighborhood in the middle of the day when everyone is at work, and their cars are gone, makes you feel like you're the last one left on Earth ( I wish hehe ). Its' creepy.
If there any gaming groups out there, clans, clubs, guilds, whatever, maybe I can join you. I keep trying, but I can't believe how hard it is to get in with an online gaming group. I used to run my own MMO guilds in better days, not to brag, but I knew how to get crap done and get organized. I don't even have the willpower for it anymore. That's another thing I forgot to mention, how loneliness and tedium can drain your will.
I've probably divulged way more about my life than I should have, even with the anonymity of the internet. But if you take me into your group, we can leave this conversation here. I don't have to whine or complain, or cry on anyone's shoulder, cause I know there are people who have it a hell of a lot worse than me.
I'm not half bad at Team Fortress 2, I'm waiting (quite impatiently) for Torchlight 2, I'm learning how to play chess, I have too many multiplayer games to think of right now and I'm too tired. Just tell me what you play, give me a chance, help me not waste my last summer before I have to go back to college so I can hopefully finally make something out of this mess of a life, thanks for listening.