michaelleung: You don't know? When you vote it down, it hides the post from you. When a lot of people vote it down, it gets hidden to everybody and it says low rated in the corner. Fun stuff.
soulgrindr: Ok. But do people vote things down much? I'm never sure if i should be voting things down cos i disagree, or cos i want to hide it, or to report it.
Having a + and - button makes it seem like many blogs etc.. where its just a sign of agreeing/disagreeing. (joystiq for example).
Renaming it to "hide" or something might make it clearer.
I've never seen a "low rated" post though...
You need to look harder, those "low rated" posts do exist. In fact the UK_John locked thread that was referenced above has several prime examples in it.
From what I understand, low rating a post does bring it to the team's attention, just like high rating a post does, so if we see something that we don't like, then hitting the minus is, in effect, just like reporting the post to a moderator (if enough of us think it is low rated). The GOG guys can take a look at what makes the post low rated and decide whether actual moderator intervention is required or not. Most time it is not, since most low rated posts end up dying a natural forum death.