Sure, I'll recommend some stuff.
Peter Hamilton - Night's Dawn Trilogy (The Reality Dysfunction, The Neutronium Alchemist, The Naked God)
David Brin - The Uplift series
Dan Simmons - Hyperion series
Larry Niven - Anything you can get your hands on. Given your stated tastes, I'd say you'd probably especially enjoy:
- The Heorot series (The Legacy of Heorot, The Dragons of Heorot/Beowulf's Children)
- The Mote series (The Mote in God's Eye, The Gripping Hand)
- The Dream Park series (Dream Park, The Barsoom Project, The California Voodoo Game)
Robert Heinlein - Stranger In A Strange Land
DieRuhe: "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea
While I will gladly support you in recommending that, I feel that it also needs to be said that in order to read that book/those books, you need to concentrate fully upon what you're reading and analyze every sentence as you go along (more or less) or you will "fall off" the narrative. The story jumps around so much that it's easy to get confused, especially as it doesn't tell you when it jumps. At one point it jumps seven years into the past and switches from a male to a female narrator
in the middle of a sentence. That's how complicated it is. It's brilliant, and a fantastic book, but it really takes a lot of concentration to get through.