*raises hand*
I'm a Linux user exclusively since '96, currently running Debian Sid at home (and Ubuntu at work but that's another story :p)
I agree that Wine improved a lot in gaming area lately, still, it's a hard challenge and regressions aren't that rare (for a recent example for Thief 2 + DDFix is noticeably faster with Wine 1.3.37 than with any 1.4 or 1.5.x release, up to current 1.5.6 at least), sometimes you need weird tricks (most weird I came across is I think that Age of Wonders 3 only works perfectly when the wineserver process is reniced... yes, when it's priority is lowered!).
So I do not agree that users (and there's more and more novice Linux users) can "just use the AppDB and be done with it", and least not all and not yet.
I'm not sure that everything can be automated either, for example there's lots of issues with poor video drivers, poor gaming platforms like Ubuntu Precise (pulseaudio getting in the way, Unity interface not playing nice will full screen apps), to name a few.
That being said, I'm still convinced that Wine installation automation is worth it. In last October or November I came across the PlayOnLinux project, and since then I wrote many installer scripts (94 released to this day, some more still in testing, plus some failures), at first for my own usage, but I hope they're convenient for others too.
PlayOnLinux main author recently added support for native DOSBox and ScummVM, so games using either, after being installed using Wine, run using the native emulators. So PlayOnLinux is not just a Wine frontend anymore.
I'd be very pleased for any feedback on those installers (did I mention PlayOnLinux also works on Macs under the name PlayOnMac? Sadly I can't test my scripts on Mac).
Also, contributors are welcome, if anything because I don't own all GOG games :D
(nickname petch on