Posted January 12, 2014
So, at the turn of the new year I ran a quick poll on how many GOG'ers are using Linux in some way.
A little over a year before that I had run another one. It was slightly different in that it also polled for Mac users (it was pre-mac support I believe)
Before that another forum member had run one.
Now with a few polls in existence I am tempted to try and do some kind of comparison to see if there is any information on the topic to be gained. Since each poll has some unique/divergent qualities to it, making any real conclusions will be speculative work, but I find the more recent poll to be interesting.
The interesting part is how much less activity the most recent poll garnered than the other two. The first and second polls are currently within one post of one another, and the final poll has less than half the number of post than they do. Such a drastic difference makes me curious as to why that might be, and think it might be worth talking about to those of us interested in the topic.
Before drawing any conclusions there are some pollution factors to weigh in. The first poll has no sense of time to it, in that it did not get all of its post in a small amount of time. There are posts spread out over a two year period, well after the second poll( done by me) even, which makes it hard to gather anything out of in terms of how many people are using it at any particular time.
In the second poll I asked for mac users as well as Linux, so it makes sense that there would be more posts, but the number of Mac users in that thread don't seem to be significant enough to explain a 50% drop off. It could have generated more interest in the topic, but it's hard to say how that factors in, but it is not impossible that a little extra momentum could have taken things quite a bit farther.
The third poll was difficult to fuel. I re-raised it a couple of times in case my timing was off, but ultimately it didn't garner anywhere near as much interest as my previous poll did. So the question becomes, IF the above pollution factors don't account for the variance, what does?
Do people not want to participate if they already have? Are there actually fewer Linux users, despite all the noise around it lately (fewer, making more noise?) Or are Linux users actually starting to forsake GOG due to their current Linux position? All of the above? None of the above? Something else entirely?
**posts as a metric
The total number of posts isn't a perfect indication of how many people posted to say they do use Linux. I could count them all up, but total posts also say a little something about how much interest there is around the topic beyond the show of hands.
A little over a year before that I had run another one. It was slightly different in that it also polled for Mac users (it was pre-mac support I believe)
Before that another forum member had run one.
Now with a few polls in existence I am tempted to try and do some kind of comparison to see if there is any information on the topic to be gained. Since each poll has some unique/divergent qualities to it, making any real conclusions will be speculative work, but I find the more recent poll to be interesting.
The interesting part is how much less activity the most recent poll garnered than the other two. The first and second polls are currently within one post of one another, and the final poll has less than half the number of post than they do. Such a drastic difference makes me curious as to why that might be, and think it might be worth talking about to those of us interested in the topic.
Before drawing any conclusions there are some pollution factors to weigh in. The first poll has no sense of time to it, in that it did not get all of its post in a small amount of time. There are posts spread out over a two year period, well after the second poll( done by me) even, which makes it hard to gather anything out of in terms of how many people are using it at any particular time.
In the second poll I asked for mac users as well as Linux, so it makes sense that there would be more posts, but the number of Mac users in that thread don't seem to be significant enough to explain a 50% drop off. It could have generated more interest in the topic, but it's hard to say how that factors in, but it is not impossible that a little extra momentum could have taken things quite a bit farther.
The third poll was difficult to fuel. I re-raised it a couple of times in case my timing was off, but ultimately it didn't garner anywhere near as much interest as my previous poll did. So the question becomes, IF the above pollution factors don't account for the variance, what does?
Do people not want to participate if they already have? Are there actually fewer Linux users, despite all the noise around it lately (fewer, making more noise?) Or are Linux users actually starting to forsake GOG due to their current Linux position? All of the above? None of the above? Something else entirely?
**posts as a metric
The total number of posts isn't a perfect indication of how many people posted to say they do use Linux. I could count them all up, but total posts also say a little something about how much interest there is around the topic beyond the show of hands.