monkeydelarge: Destiny determines everything. Even the way you react is because of your genetics, character and the influences in your life etc. Free will is an illusion. There was a time everyone used to know this...then the world became retarded and now people see themselves as gods and goddesses. LOL
Belief in destiny was propagate in ancient times out of self-interest of ruling class. The reason why Dave was king while Sam was a peasant was because Dave was destined to be the king. that belief brought peace, order.
it was just one of many tools politicians and clergy used to control population.
Im not criticizing them for believing in destiny. ancient times were different and it was needed for one to believe in that and other fictional things like gods on Olympus. that branch of philosophy served its purpose.
free will and destiny are not related tough. and the subject is incredibly complex. yet for purpose of this thread one can assume that free will does exist and OP and others can change their sucky life.
monkeydelarge: It's clear with your over emotional and aggressive reply that we are both very passionate about our beliefs so let's just drop it before things get heated.
nope. it is touchy subject for me hence why emotional response. while i promise to respect you as a person i won't respect any views with which i disagree strongly.
if its a problem then no need to reply.